Friday, April 3, 2009

Magnolia Blog Candy Winners:

Hello dear players.. Thank you for all your lovely comments. I have tried to visit "most" of your blogs :-) i think i was able to get half of the comments in a excel file (to make it easier to pick a winner with but than my wrist did start to hurt :-) So the other half of the comments are still posted below this posting and i just counted my numbers from there. Since i have no 100% guarantee that i did not make a counting error iam just adding here the links of the blogs that i have counted using the numbers random org picked.

Please email me with 2 choices of the stamps kits you would like - i will try to make it right so you will get a set of stamps you really love with your mailing address. 3) You have until Sunday 04. April to contact me (, to claim the prize. If i do not have a email by this time, i will pick an other person. Iam going to ship on Monday 06. April 2009 to the ladies who's address i have.

Thanks again to ALL of you!!! And please remember.. i do still have a set of Magnolia stamps here which i will soon give away to one person who is a active subscriber in my FEEDBLITZ newsletter.

If you are up for more sweetness.. ... you must check out the blog candy my lovely friend Carole has up on her blog Stardust Gems and Ribbons!!!


1 – 200 of 295   Newer›   Newest»
hobbystuebchen said...

Its amazing! What a nice candy! I posted it on my blog.
I wish everyone good luck!

Monique said...

# 338

Hi Claudia,

Wow, that's an awesome blogcandy. Thanks for offering :)). I've posted it on my blog. Here's the link:

Hugs Monique

Cindy van Oorschot said...

Oh I would love for a chance to win, I'm a big fan of Magnolia stamps, but to date haven't been able to get any.

Angelica - Angel - Dolliver said...

What a gorgous Candy! Love Magnolia! =)

I've putted the link and picture on my blog, here:

/ Angelica

** Line** said...

You have a wonderful blog....and thank you that you give us the chance to win this wonderful stamps....
I wish you a lot of clicks...*g*
Greetings from Germany

gssfam said...

AWESOME candy! I have been eyeing those magnolia stamps! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

my blog is

Cheryl said...

# 344

Fabulous blog candy thanks for the chance to win.

I have put a link on the top of my sidebar here

bissecat said...

Bellissima!I very glad this chance to vin.This is my link

Ramona Michaluk said...

Hi Claudia,

I have just discovered your blog and have had so much fun browsing through it and looking at your gorgeous cards - you are very talented!

I'm only new to stamping with Tilda & Edwin so I want to say Thank You so much for the chance
to maybe win some of these lovely stamps to start my collection with.

I have posted a link to your site on my blog -


denize said...

What a fab candy, thank you for the chance to win!! My blog

Ivolina said...

Magnificent candy. Thank you for a chance. I am you subscriber.
My link is here

scotspanda said...

WOW what a huge candy giveaway!! fabby for us lol I have linked you on my blog here


Amanda xxx

Deb-Close to my Heart Consultant said...
link is posted on my blog. just discovered your blog. love your work

Ethel said...

Hi, I´m Ethel from Argentina!!
This is wonderful candy and I'm so grateful for the chance to win. I'll pop a link on my sidebar

Natalia said...

Your candy are so sweet thanks for the chance.
Greetings and hugs from Poland:*

Malin E said...

wow,what an amazing bloc candy! I would love to try my wings on this one! I made a link on my blog:
Hugs MAlin

Kristine said...

I have linked to your blogcandy HERE
Hugs from Kristine

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Claudia, what lovely blog candy you have up for grabs. I have put a link to your blog on my sidebar at:

Best wishes, Kym xxx

Shani said...

My link:

I really want these wonderful stamps!!! ^___^


Lillemor said...

Oh what a generous blogcandy!!!
I just love these new stamps and would love to win them so I keep my fingres crossed until the 2:th of April!

You can see a link on my sidebar:

Love Lillemor

Broni said...

Here's the link to my blog posting:

Carol said...

Yummy cnady

Love your blog!
Thanks for the chance of a win

Elena Litvinova said...

These stamps, my dream ....Maybe she realized?
is candy here

Monika/Buzsy said...

Yummy! What a generous blog candy!
Here is my post:

jude said...

WOW fab candy amazing thanks for chance to win ,i just adore the stamps.linked to candy jar
thanks judex

jude said...

forgot to leave link for your fab candy

Bonda said...

Очень красивые штампики. У нас таких не купить. My link -

Maria said...

What a great BlogCandy.
Here is my post:

Creativika said...

#361 Hi! I linked your blog (with photo too) in my sidebar. Thank you for the chance to win! These stamps are very beautiful!
Greetings from Moldova!

Sew This N That said...

what wonderful candy you are offering Claudia, I have put a picture and link on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win :0)
*hugs* Heather x

Unknown said...


WOW!! Wath a wonderfull blog candy!!!

Hugs Tine

Mindy said...

Beautiful Blog! I posted you on my blog HERE.

Toni K said...

Wonderful blog candy! I just found your blog today and, WOW, you are amazing! Beautiful cards!
I added a link to your giveaway on my blog Thanks for the chance to win!

❤ Kaia said...

Beautiful candy.
How generous of Magnolia to give away all theese stamps.
I have followed all your rules, and posted a link on my blog :o)

PatR said...

What amazing Candy, so generous. I've put a link at the top of my sidebar on my blog

Pat xx

janil said...

Wonderful giveaway!

I blogged in


cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

Susan said...

Yay! This is great blog candy! I don't own a Magnolia stamp yet ... so I hope I win one! Here is the link to my blog post about your candy:

Thanks for such a great offer! And congratulations to whoever wins!


Sissen said...

Looks yummie! :) I've made a link to your candy from my sidebar.

Colargolet said...

Wow! What a great blog candy (I lllllove Magnolia stamps)!
I have posted it,
with a link
on my sidebar.

Guilitta said...


I like to win, please enter me in your drawing. Here is the post I made about your give away:

Greeting Guilitta

Tifany said...

I put a picture of the candy i my sidebar at:

-Agnes- said...

Hi, I have lnked you here

Karen said...

I've linked you in this post
It's an amazing candy offer!
Thank you Claudia and Magnolia

Anonymous said...

Hi Claudia, I have posted on my blog

Unknown said...

Hi! I've added a link to my blog for your competition. Thank you so much for your generosity, I just love Magnolia stamps.



Unknown said...

Sorry, tried to hyperlink you above but it didn't seem to want to work. The link is here:

Ms. Cheryl said...

I have posted your candy on my blog here:
I am in love with all these stamps. Thank you, ms.cheryl

Unknown said...

Wow, I am entry 388. This is a very popular spot. BTW, love your blog and your designs, fantastic. I have posted you on my blog. Sorry for no hyperlink, I have not been able to add them for some time.

ephraz said...

your candy Is really special, it's so cute! Thank you very much for the opportunity to get ti!

Colleen { HappyLittleArt } said...

Hi Claudia!! Great Blog and Great Candy!!
I posted a link on my sidebar!!
My blog, HappyLittleArt
I am entry #390.
Thanks for the chance to win!!

Linda Coughlin, the funkie junkie said...

Sweet blog candy! Love your work and blog. Thanks for a chance to win. Here's my blog
Sorry but I don't know how to make it a hyperlink. Your link is listed under Blog Candy on the right sidebar.

redsmomma said...

awww! Ive visited your blog a few times admiring your work and the yummy candy. I am just now able to leave a comment and link you on my page! Your work is so so beautiful and will come often to your blog for inspiration!!

CathyC said...

what a beautiful blog!
what amazing blog candy!
I have mentioned this on my blog here:

shinz @ cosycabin said...

Entry # 395

I'm not sure is my entry number correct?
I've added your candy pic & web link on my sidebar. Thank you for the chance to win! xx


Whozz Me???... said...

Ohhh Magnolia..... Would sooo love to win dem..... my LSS here don't bring dem in.... x-finger... trying my luck.. hehe

Anonymous said...

Very lovely candy! I put a link on my sidebar.

Brigitta said...

Thank you for this beautiful giveaway. I've already posted about it on my blog

Greetz from the Netherlands

PinksyDoodles said...

Wow, I hope I win. But then don't we all! Thank you for giving us the chance. Here's my blog
Clare x

Jennifer (gojenlaw) said...

Thanks for the chance. I added your candy give away on my blog. I love those stamps.

Safiro said...

What a fabulous blog candy! Thanks for a chance to win!

Have a great day

гюльчатай said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great candy!

Shazza said...

lovely candy, I have posted the details at the side of my blog

craftaddict said...

I love Magnolia stamps and would love a chance to win one of your blog candy stamps. I saw the Magnolia stand at a recent craft show and fell in love with them, such a wonderful range of stamps.
Thanks for the chance to win some.
I have posted a link on my blog

Aina said...

Well, I guess I don't have a chance to win this fabulous blog candy, but I have to try. I love Magnolia!
Thank you so much for the chance to win this great candy :O)


Lynda said...

Wow....what a list of comments. I am a non blog person...but eagerly await the NON BLOG Magnolia candy. They are so v v beautiful and evoke inspiration when you look at them.

miapia74 said...

Hi, Sweden checks in. What a lovely candytreat. Thanks for the generosity.

Bagpuss685 said...

You are at the tup of my blog, What fantastic blog candy to give away.

Good luck everyone and that you for offering this wonderfull stuff

Chook said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Here is the link to my blog

Thanks Helen

Margie said...

Wow! I love Tilda- and I posted about it on my blog here:

Jolanda Aufdenkamp - van Tilburg said...

Hi Claudia. What a wonderful blogcandy you're giving away :)
Let me try to put in a link to my blog over here

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

awesome giveaway!
thanks for the chance
posted the link to my blog here

Lauretta See said...

OHHHH how i wish i could win one of these candy's :)) I have linked your candy on my blog.. and i am a follower. Thank you,
Link :

Lauretta xx

Di said...

Love the Magnolia blog candy, i am new to blogging but have posted a link on my blog. My first candy!!
here is my blog
Di xx

Julie said...

Fab Candy

Here is my link put you on the side bar

Julie x

Grace said...

Oh I can't thank you enough for this great offering! I have drooled over these Magnolia stamps and sooooo love them! Your cards are wonderful too!!!

I have placed a picture of the candy in my right sidebar on my blog:

Guylaine Seyer said...

great candy! wow
I posted it on my blog:

Lisa said...

Posted your candy on my blog and I'm crossing my fingers cause I would love to win :)

cve said...


Jessie Lubyk said...

Yes extremely generous candy. Wow! Thanks for the chance. Going to post on my blog right now and here is my blog

knoodoo said...

Now that's a nice candy! *yummy* Thanks for the generousity! Hope I will win *fingerscrossed*

Have a splendid day by the way!
I posted a pic on my sidebar:

Clycclac said...

Thanks for your very nice candy blog.
I've had your links on my blog here :,a724804.html
Your cards are very beautiful !!

Anne said...

Wow what a generous blog candy! Great to visit your blog too :)

You are linked in my sidebar with a photo My blog

chrisw said...

Wow what a fantastic opportunity..Oh I do hope I win i've only just recently discovered Magnolia stamps and simply must have me some of these beautiful designer stamps.
You can find my link here stop by and say hello!

Justt said...

Wow! Great blog candy!!

Jenn Embry said...

What a generous blog candy prize. I've posted at the top of the sidebar on my blog. You can find it at
By the way - I absolutely love your cards. Your artwork is fabulous!

Anonymous said...

ohhhh, comme ils sont beaux tous ces lots !
ça fait rêver !!!!
merci de proposer tous ces cadeaux et surtout de nous faire rêver !!!

mes petites créa sur

à bientôt !

Laura (Faerielore) said...

OMG !!!! what an amazin blog candy give away thank you so much for the chance of winning, i have added a link to your site on my blog

good luck everyone xxx

dvora said...

Thank you for the blog candy. I poste a link on my blog, despite the blog is written in Hebrew you can see the foto that I add and the link to your blog.

Thank you for your blog.

Steph Sullins said...

Sweet blog candy! Link is in my sidebar:


JaneB said...

Hi Claudia! It is wonderfull candy!
You can find your candy in my blog
Greeting from Poland.

Susanne said...

Hi, you have a wonderful blog. And what a amazing blog candy! Would be nice to win.

I've linked this blog candy to my blog

Hugs Susanne from Germany

Me Myself and I-N-K said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win some Magnolia-licious stamps! I've added a post as well as a link on my sidebar under Blog Candy Alert.

Here is my post:

Kathleen said...

Your cards are beautiful!!
This is an amazing blog candy!!
I hope I manage to win one of these sets!!

I have posted on my blog about your blog candy here


eule said...

wow,a great candy!
here is my post

have a nice day

stampinlynn said...

Oh my ever since someone sent me a card with her I love the stamp now I sorta kno where to get her or at least ask instead of dreaming about her TFS this contest and your site rocks
Your linked in my blog

Maggie Bob said...

What an amazing blog candy - thanks for the chance to win!

I have linked to you from the sidebar on my blog -


Nixe-Moni said...

Hi Claudia, was für ein grandioses Candy!! Vielen Dank für die Chance.
Ich habe Dein klasse Candy hier verlinkt.

Lisa K said...


Love those stamps and love your work
here is my link

Lisa Kamphuis

Sonia said...

Hi Claudia
Amazing Blog Candy.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Good Luck to all!!!

I have linked to you from the sidebar on my blog:



Maria said...

Amazing blog candy!
Hi from Argentina, and thnaks for the chance to win , specialy becouse we dont have any of this stuff here!!!!!

I've added the picture of your candy with a link in the sidebar on my blog
Thanks again

Sharon said...

Wow! What generous blog candy. I don't have any Magnolia stamps yet, but would love to win one! I think they are fab. I have written about your blog candy on my sidebar:


Crazy Creations said...

I put your link on my blog for your candy, I realized on my last comment that it didn't go thru. I'm sorry but here is the link to my blog.

Crazy Creations said...

Click Here to see my Blog

Here is a hyperlink to my blog. Still trying to learn these darn HTML tags :o

If it doesnt work, you can copy and paste my blog, from

JACKIE said...

wow, what fantastic candy, would love the chance to win....have left a link for you on my candy bar here for you...hugs Jackie xx

Priscilla said...

Wow what nice candy...I just started my own blog yesterday..i hope I am doing it right..It is a little overwhelming and I will do my best to add you as a link. MY NEW BLOG IS

Carolyn said...

Hi Claudia, I love the magnolia collection. Thanks for offering these. I would be thrilled to win. I have your link on my sidebar at:


Tania said...

Thanks for the chance! I love Magnolia but am not lucky enough to have any yet. Your blog is fabulous! I have put a post up on my blog with a link to yours announcing your incredible Candy on my blog

Hozzan said...

From north of Sweden i want to have a chance to win this generous blog candy. I have posted a link on my blog.

dezi said...

Thanks for the chance!
My blog

Zoe said...

Wow what very generous blog candy! I'd love to be in with a chance of winning these. I've posted a link in my candy bar on my blog which you can find here...
I also have some Doodlebug blog candy running until tomorrow if you would like to enter! I love your cards and am a regular visitor to your blog! Zoe x

Monika said...

Wow, amazing candy offer!!! Thank you for a chance to win!
This is my blog:

And I posted picture with link of this candy on my sidebar.

Thanks, Monika

Cheryl said...

Not sure but I may be 456. I have posted to my blog at

I would love a chance for some of these wonderful stamps.

Anonymous said...

How generous of you! Thank you for the chance to win! I've added you on my blog !

Kim Dellow said...

Entry #458

thanks for letting us have a go at these fab stamps Claudia.

I've blogged your candy here.

iriniee said...


Thank you for your generous candy. All the stamps are very pretty.

I love this.

The link to my blog is:

Maureen said...

wow!! I don't have any magnolia stamps so this is a wonderful candy for me to enter!! thanks for the opportunity to win!!! I have posted a link on my sidebar with a posted picture of the candy...

thanks again!

זהבית שקד said...

WOW what generous candy
I love magnolia :-)


Wow, what fabulous candy, so generous! You are always such an inspiration! Here's the post on my
my blog

Have a great Sunday!
Hugs, Danielle

milchRaupe - Renate Lach-Hammer said...

Hallo Claudia,
ich versuche es auch mal. Hab zwar bis jetzt noch kein Candy gewonnen...?Hier noch mein Blog


Jeanette said...

Hi Claudia I believe I am # 465! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity to win these fab stamps! Here is the link to my posting! have a great day! Hugs Jeanette

Anonymous said...


thanks for this blog candy !
my blog :


Tracy said...

Great Candy, I just love Magnolia. I've posted your link on my blog.
Tracy x

Bastelei said...

What a great blog Candy.
It´s very great.

Elaine said...

Well Scrumpdillyumptious...I want these!

Here's my link:

Thanks for the chance to win! I have some friends who I know will become fans of yours now too!

Ольга Стурова said...

Fantastic Candy! I posted a picture at the sidebar of my blog =

Sahirana said...

wow i love the magnolia dolls, is pretty !!!


my blog is

"pappi puikoissa" said...

Link to my blog here. Hugs from Finland!

Roberts79 said...

Sweet candy! Thanks for offering it!:)

shortyrose said...

That is a amazing candy.

Here you can find my blog:

Thanks for the chance!!!

Harriet said...

I love Magnolia stamps. Hope to win. I have added a link on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Yes! I would like to win some pretty Magnolias *smiles*

I´ve written about your give away in my blogg, used your picture and linked back here.


Jessica Fitzgerald (aka MommaJess) said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. I LOVE the Magnolia stamps. I added this to my sidebar.
Thanks, Jessica

Idit Art said...

What a great Candy blog :-)
Just see all the stamp - wish I had one:-)

here a link

Happy easter :-)

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

You are such an inspiration!! Thanks for the chance to win these beautiful stamps.

I posted a link on my blog
[url=]my blog[/URL]

Thanks again

Crafty Guam Girl said...

I LOVE, LOVE your blog and your creations!!!!

AWESOME blog candy!!! I so love Magnolia stamps!!! They're just sooo cute!!!

I have a pic of your blog candy on my blog side-bar.

Thanks and good luck to all!!!



Norma said...

Claudia, what a generous give away. I'm so new at this that I had to google what a 'blog candy' is. Amazing blog you have. Thanks for letting me take a peek at it. Here's the link to my blog:

ps. how does one create 'link' word that you can just click on?

San said...

Great candy, and of course I wouldn't miss this chance! Heres my site:
San's design

vicmbee said...

Awesome Blog candy and blog...I love my Magnolias.
so check this out you shall find a link to the candy

Thanks vic

Ana said...

Hello, thank you very much for this wonderful blog candy, you are so generous. This is my blog


Luciana said...

Fabulous blog candy! Greetings from Italy
my blog:

Suzanne said...

Wow! What a fabulous candy! Thank you for the chance to win and for showing us all your fab work. I love to check your blog every day

I have posted you in my side bar and also a main posting. Find it here!

Suzanne x

hello gorgeous said...

Hey lovely, gorgeous candy on offer. I have popped you in my sweetie jar, pop over when you have time (leave a comment so I know you've been and help yourself to a cupcake!) :D

Good luck to everyone who enters

Take care xxxx

Bernd said...

What a wonderfoul Candy . Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful blog Candy .

my Blog

Юлия Ковалева said...

Hi! wondeful candy!!!
I posted a picture of your candy here:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance at the lovely candy. I love your work. I didn't know how to make the small link everyone has so here is my ginormous one LOL!


flatis stempelwelt said...

Ich denke mal wenn ich es richtig sehe, bin ich 494 wow.... Wahnsinn.
Was soll man dazu noch sagen *hehe*

Danke für die Chance die vielen tollen Stempel zu gewinnen...

Lieben Gruß
Sonja xx

peggy said...

Wow Claudia,
What a fabulous candy from Magnolia ... so generous!!!!!!

I posted a link on my blog

Thanks for a chance to win !!!


Pomba Mensaxeira said...

me gustaria participar en el blog candy

Chrissie said...

There was a flaw in my last hyperlink, hopefully this one should work!
The candy link is on my sidebar.
This is my Blog

danemi1 said...

yummy scrummy candy
how kind
I have gone and got that excited now I cannot remember if I have replied to this already if I have please delete this one - many thanks

good luck to all


*The_Fisher_Family* said...

I posted in my blog about this give away-
I dont have any magnolia stamps so I would love to get some for my collection :)
I am not good at this linking thing sorry I am not sure how to make it so you can click on the blog and look at it?

Jane said...

wooow wonderful Blog Candy!
Here is the link from my Blog

I hope I have luck!

hugs Jane

Bastelei said...

Dear Claudia,

Your blog is fabulous. And the blog candy, wow. I have to take the chance to win.


Moni said...

Wow Claudia!
What a fabulous blog candy! Thanks for a chance to win!
Here is my link.

Hugs Moni

Anonymous said...

wow claudia...was ein geniales candy!!
danke für die chance,so tolle sachen zu gewinnen. habe das candy auf meinen blog erwähnt.
hier ist der link dazu.

liebe grüße,

aardvarkpest said...

Wow what super candy. Thanks for a chance of winning. I have added a link into my sidebar.
Here is my blog

Hugs Glenda

Anonymous said...

Lovely candy, and nice to visit your blog, many wonderful cards.
I posted a link on my blog. Have i nice weekend.Hug

GINAs WELT said...

WOW you have a nice Blog!
And your crafts are beautyful!
I´ve posted a link at my sidebar..
I wish you a nice weekend!
Bye GINA *Stempelschnegge*

caminho da beleza e da sabedoria said...

Hi!! I really loved your candy! I´m getting crazy with these Magnolia´stamps!

Anonymous said...

un petit coucou de france

Anonymous said...

I'm new to Magnolia stamps but have come to really love the designs. They are darling and the cards you have made are wonderful! I posted a link to your page and a picture of the blog candy on my blog page:

Anonymous said...

No 512

i want to play your blog candy
my blog is:

thank you for your opprtunity


juli77 said...

Great Candy! Wonderful Blog!

Sandy said...

Ohhh I hope I win, thats awesome candy!!!

Marja Sch said...

Wow wonderful blog candy. I posted a link on my blog.

Squelly said...

Here's the link to my blog where I posted the blog candy!!

Thanks for the chance to win!! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE one of the stamps!!

Oh, oops, I'm a follower too :-)

gerryscrap said...

thank your for your fabulous present post in mys blog hello to france

Enonilol said...

I have written about your/Magnolias fabulous blog candy on the sidebar on my blog.

Unknown said...

Here is hoping that its possible for someone way in the 500s to win ;) These are really awesome!!!

Cor* said...

Hello. My fellow blogger recommended checking out your candy and as a result, you have become my first post on my 'new blog'. Forgive me, I am new to this, but hopefully will have followers soon. The candy looks fantastic. My blog is & I have your link there!
Best of luck to all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this chance.

The links is here:


Christine said...

whaou!what a generous blog candy!! it's really lovely!
here the link to my post:
little angel

FLORENCE84 said...

here it is done, it is by here

Ingrid said...

Amazing blog candy!!!

in my blog

Hope fully my entry # is 232

clm78 said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win this sweet candy
I love stamps magnolia !!!


Anonymous said...

Amazing blog candy! I've linked to you in my latest blog entry! Love your blog x

Scrapellen said...

It would be a great birthday present to win this blog candy (I'm born on April 10)!
Here's the link to the posting on my blog:

Sharon said...

I added a comment on my blog, good luck to everyone.

NOa said...

Hi, sweet-sweet candy, thanks!

Anja said...

Wow! What a great blog candy you offer to us! I am enthusiastic and will try my luck!
I linked you here:

Thank you very much,

Tidbits of my Life said...

Than you for sponsoring this blog candy. I just LOVE Magnolia Stamps, but I have not been able to acquire any yet. I would love to be a winner of this blog candy. I just love your blog, and visit often...

I left a link to this blog candy on my blog at this address:

Thank you again....Chris

Tidbits of my Life said...

oops the previous link did not work; so here it is again:


mellem said...

Love your blog candy and the magnolia stamp.
I've posted a link on my blog

Kim Marie said...

I've never hyperlinked a comment before! Hope this works! Thanks for a chance to win some lovely images!
Kim Marie

Frog of Faith

CreativSpirit said...

What a great giveaway, thanks to you and to Magnolia stamps for the chance to win these beautiful stamps. Here is a link to my blog where I have also posted a link for this giveaway.



magda said...

Great blog and great candy!
link to my blog:

NWFlamingo said...

I posted the picture smack in the middle of my blog instead of the sidebar but it is easily found. If you look after March is over it is a March 28 post.

Jo said...

Wow Claudia, what fantastic and generous candies you have on offer! I have added a link to my sidebar.

So sorry I haven't visited in a while, however, have been keeping up-to-date with your work via email subscriptions. Beautiful work as usual x

Karen said...

Lovely candy Claudia Ive added a link on my blog.
My Blog


Anonymous said...

I love your blog claudia, and will continue to visit frequently. I have added the blog candy to my blog. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of these beautiful stamps. I would love to own a magnolia stamp.....

Here is the link to my blog:


Suzanne said...

What amazing candy. I have linked on my side bar here - (Sorry can't get the link to work)
Thanks for a chance to win
Hugs Sue x

OsicaPottery said...

Wow Claudia - what AMAZING candy from Magnolia!!!
Thanks for the chance to win. I like very much your blog.
I've added the picture of your candy with a link on my blog.

Here's my blog

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

# 549?
amazing blog candy!
I posted a picture on my sidebar.

Artyjen said...

What generous candy. Good luck to whoever wins. Have spread the word on my blog here.

Alison said...

Lovely blog candy, thanks for the chance to win. Claudia, your blog is fab, love the tutorials.

Wendy Hall said...

OOOOOh Claudia, this look yummy, posted on my blog
Creations by Louby Loo


Wendy Hall said...

Oh oh, dont think my link worked properly, try again

stampinlynn said...

Oh I'm so excited to play TFS

Idit Art said...

Claudia - this is great Blog Candy.
Love your blog :-)

here a link

Mona said...

Hello Claudia.
I love your Blog.
Thanks for the chance of win this wonderful candy.

hugs Mona

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