Todays card is for Bea's 50,000 visitor celebration and blog candy. The challenge is to use pink on the project. Bea has a fabulous blog called Megastamper... and she is a fellow DT Member of mine - be sure to visit her. You can still participate to win the candy she is offering.
The card is pretty simple but I think Tilda is so cute in her bunny suit - so the card does not need too much :-) Tilda is from the new Spring Collection (Thank you, Pauline and John for sending her to Michigan - LOVE this stamp) she is watercolored with Stampin up reinkers and an aquapainter. Used twinkeling H2O colors sparingly on her suit and to color the easter eggs. I think it is kind of hard to tell on the picture but I did use some shimmery chalks arround Tilda and the chicks (Art Impressions) to make them stand out. Paper is: Pretty in Pink CS, Whisper White and Palette o Prints DP (current Level 1 Hostess set), Ribbon is: Stampin up: white Taffeta

On this place I also would like to thank you for visiting my blog so often and your kind words you leave are really warming my heart. Tomorrow i should be able to do more blogging - the boys are really sick and my husband is not here. These are days in my live I wish we would live closer to family, so they could give me a hand.
Happy Eastern!
OOO Claudia ... this is just lovely & thank you for commenting on my cards - have a wonderful Easter!
How cute!! Great job Cluadia!! I hope your boys feel better soon:-)
Eine wunderschöne Karte Claudia! Da hast du Tilda perfekt in Szene gesetzt. Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie schöne Ostern und hoffe, dass deine zwei bald wieder gesund sind! Bei uns kränkeln auch alle, das Übergangswetter ist mit Kindern einfach nur anstrengend :)
lg Katharina
Gorgeous card claudia.. Love the little chicks. I hope your boys feel better today. Happy Easter, Nikki x
Och wie ist die süüüüüß. Haste wieder super gewerkelt.
Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie, frohe Ostern.
Happy Easter Claudia! I hope your boys get better soon. I visit your blog as much as I can as your card creations make me feel happy, they truly are lovely and works of art.
Hallo Claudi, als erstes möchte ich dir frohe Ostern wünschen und hoffe das es deinen Jungs bald wieder besser geht. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen wie du dich fühlst wenn keine Familie in der Nähe ist. Lass dich mal kräftig drücken.
Nun zur Karte, die ist mal wieder mega süß geworden. Ich liebe diese Farben.
oh wow claudi, die karte ist zwar simple, aber so süss und knuffelig, also mir gefällt deine rosa häschen-tilda so super, hast du toll coloriert. das layout ist aber wirklich wunderschön.
liebe grüsse und frohe ostern dir und deinen lieben
This was a nice eastern card. And the stamp was soooo cute. Lovely color choise. This night we had -12,7°C, and the night before it came around 40 cm snow.. Don't think this will stay for a long time.
Och was ist die Karte knuffelig :)) Super süß gemacht ... bin hin und weg!!
Happy Easter
This is just lovely girl. It doesn't matter what you use to color with it is always just perfect.
Dear Claudia it is always fun to visit your blog. I wish you all the best with the boy's. I hope they will be better soon. Hope you will enjoy your Easter.
What a cute card Claudia:-D
Happy Easter! Hope your boys will soon feel better.
XO, Inge
Gorgeous card, what a perfect stamp for Easter, love how you used Beates sketch.
Hope the boys are better soon!
Gorgeous card Claudia, I love the soft colours and the cute little chicks.
I an sorry to hear your boys are ill, I hope they will be better real soon. Take care
Beautiful card Claudia. Really pretty.
I love that card - it is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Happy Easter to you and your boys Claudia and I do hope they start to feel better soon. I love your cute card with Tilda in her bunny suit (not a stamp I have) and your colouring with the H20s. And the little chicks finish the card off beautifully.
Your cards are lovely
Oh this is so gorgeous Claudia...she's beautiful. Happy Easter to you too. I've given you an award, please see my blog for details.
This card is lovely! The Tilda is cute and the chickens too!!
Hope your boys will feel better soon!!
~ Leonie ~
Hi Claudia,
It stands for Sisterhood of the Blogging Stampers...I guess kind of a place to meet new poeple that share the love of crafting, card making, scrapbooking, is hte blog if you would like to check it out...I am almost positive there is still room left in our group #15...
You can see those of us on the list that have already joined and then in the comments section is where you put your Name, blog URL etc and you can join too!!
Wishing you a wonderful day:-)Kelly
Not than I'm an expert, but let me know if you have any other questins!!
was für eine süße Karte, die gefällt mir total gut. Tolle Farben und das Motiv ist ja soooo süß.
LG von Litta
" Hi Claudia" well this card is beautiful"Happy Easter" to you all...
Sorry your boys are not well..I hope they are feeling better soon:)
"Stamping((((hugs))))) to you Terrie :)x
What a cute card Claudia. Beautiful!
Happy Easter:))
Beautiful card, stunning colours and such a cute scene with Tilda and the chicks.
Ich hoffe, dass es Deinen Jungs bald wieder besser geht!
Deine Karte ist einmalig!
Frohe Ostern!
Hugs and smiles
Oh WOW C, this little tilda card is absolutely beautiful! I think its the colours and the way your little scene come together - i LOVE it! Happy Easter to you and your family too! bx
Mensch Claudia, kannst Du mir sagen, wie Du es schaffst, jede Karte mit der nächsten zu toppen ?!? Würdest Du mir all Deine Karten auf den Tisch legen - ich könnte mich gar nicht entscheiden, welche ich favorisieren würde... Diese ist wieder sowas von zucker *schwärm* - wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben auch ein schönes restliches Osterfest... xox
Another adorable magnolia... you have so many cute magnolia stamps...
How cute is this!!! I just love Pink, its a color you can't go wrong with! I will have to check out the challenge!
Oh Claudia, die ist sooo süß.
Ganz zauberhaft!
Frohe Ostern!
This is just the the Cutest!! I love this card!! Hope you had a Happy Easter and that your boys are better now.
die ist ja goldig.... total super schön und ich schmelze mal wieder dahin.. die Kückelchen sind ja knuffig
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