Saturday, March 9, 2013

Things to share

Hello friends… today I would like to start my posting off with something I feel like I want to talk about.
Yesterday an Anonymous reader left me a comment which was rather hurtful for me to read. When I read the comments left they all make me feel soo good and I feel the love that you all spread… but I admit… in those 4 –5 years I am blogging I did read on my blog and on others blogging ladies some not so nice things. On my blog I try to leave it and not remove them because I believe– this is what people think and they should be able to express themselves and I need to accept not only positive but negative feedback as well and learn from it and get better. I just don’t get into it the next day and try to get over it.

However I would like to address this… the lady who left a comment was rude and quite annoyed by the way I write my postings because my English is not good. Here is the thing… I could much rather accept criticism for my work than for the way I try to do the write ups on my blog. I try really hard to get the words out correctly in the English language when my native one is actually German and don’t get me wrong.. I absolutely do not think I speak or write well in English.  Nobody taught me English, I learned it by watching TV and obviously I live in the states for quite a while now. At a certain point when you have reached a level of your ability to express yourself nobody corrects you anymore in your daily life and that’s obviously where you stop learning. Now, should I consider taking a English class to be better? Maybe! But also I just could start to write my blog postings in German and add to the sidebar of the blog a Google Translator. It would be definitely much easier for me and also so much faster. I wonder how this would work out?! I will consider this option to add this gadget to my blog in the next few days and go from there. 

Anyways.. I would like to close this chapter to show you some photos of my recent knits

Claudia_Rosa_Claudias Clockwork_2

Pattern: Clockwork by Stephen West
Yarn: Madeline Tosh Merino light in Charcoal and Winter Wheat
Needle Addi Lace: 4mm


Time for a daybreak!
pretty big and perfect to wrap yourself if you go on a walk or in summer to wrap over your shoulders
Pattern: Daybreak by Stephen West
Yarn: Madeline tosh Merino light in Ink and Caravan

Claudia_Rosa_sliver fox Nae_4

This is the biggest wrap I have knitted so far. It is feather light and beautiful. Knitting took quite a while but it is mindless just some seed stitch borders and stockinette. I will definitely make one for myself. This one is going to my mother. I hope she will like the neutral light grey color and I hope she will wrap herself into it when she is sitting with my stepfather on the balcony in summer
Pattern: Nae – Ravlery – for free – super easy
Yarn: 2 skeins of Madeline tosh Merino light in silver fox

Claudia_Rosa_solis Trillian_2

This one I have made for a very sweet person who is always generous to me. Sending this off to the UK.
The style of this is more modern due to the asymmetric shaping. Its not as thick so its going to be a nice accessory for Spring.
Pattern: Martina Behm “Trillian” (Pattern available in English and German)
Yarn: Malabrigo Sock yarn in Solis

Thank you!


Chrissy said...

I think you English and all your work is perfect Claudia..I understand everything you write..I understand when you describe your cards, and some people just need a kick or a slap...just ignore that dimwit who has no courage to even leave a name, they are just jealous of your talent and not worth the stress...

I love your knitted shawls, just gorgeous and they will look so classy with jeans and boots too..or dressed up with skirts and dresses...fabulous work.


Irene said...

Claudia I'm shocked!!!!!!
First of all: you're such an extremely talented woman who gives us so much joy with all your cards, knitting and whatever you do so you deserve an A+!!!
Well your English might not be perfect, so what???? Who cares?? We visit your blog to admire your creations and even native speakers sometimes make huge mistakes (you should see to zillion mistakes I come across every single day in Dutch-blogland..not in a million years will I ever address someone about it cause that's not what our blogs are about!!).
So please do continue this way Claudia and for those nasty, mean people I would say STINKEFINGER!!!!!

Alles Liebe, Irene

Irma said...

Dear Claudia, I'm so sorry that nasty comment made you stressed out! You know, if she left those comments ANONYMOUSLY than she's just a real coward and that says more about her than about you! Try to shake it off sweetie, she's really not worth your stress!! If she's so annoyed by your English, she shouldn't be reading your blog. (I'd like to say to her: Hey lady, you try to write something in German or any other language that's not your native one... I'm sure you'd fail in the first sentence! Ha!) Claudia, you're a beautiful person and except for that one lousy reader, there are so many people really enjoying your blog and they don't care if your English isn't perfect! Just be yourself, we all love you just the way you are! Hugs! xo

Lorraine said...

Hi Claudia! I don't comment all the time, but wanted to say that I enjoy seeing all of your beautiful creations! You are so talented - not just in papercrafts, but your needlework is gorgeous, too. I've never had a problem reading & understanding your posts. This is YOUR blog - do whatever YOU want. Just delete the negative comments. If they don't like it, GO AWAY - PERIOD! You go girl!

Sara said...

Oh Claudia, please don`t let the nasty comments of one individual get you down. I can understand your blog posts perfectly and your English is very impressive as it is not your native language(certainly better than my German LOL!) You are a very talented lady and I was lucky enough to meet you in person at Sir Stampalot when you did a class for us DT members, it was a lovely day made special because you are such a lovely, warm person. Some people have nothing better to do than make nasty comments,and I suspect it was probably because she is jealous of your many talents.
Please don`t take her comments to heart, we all think you are great, hugs Sara xxx

hellerlittle said...

Liebe Claudia es macht mich traurig zu lesen das du angegangen wurdest wegen deiner Sprachkenntnisse... leider ist es nicht immer so dass die Leute verstehen wollen und einen Negativaufhänger suchen müssen/wollen. Ich habe nie Probleme gehabt dein Englisch zu lesen und zu verstehen, aber sicherlich auch weil ich in D sitze und genauso eine Art Englisch tippe *lol
Lass dich von solchen Lästeratteken nicht unterkriegen, deine Werke sind immer klasse anzusehen und wie du vieles beschreibst ist Prima !!!
Deine wunderbaren Schultertücher sind eine Augenweide, ich wäre gerne in diesem Fall deine Mama, um dieses tolle graue Tuch beneide ich sie *ganz ehrlich - es ist so wunderbar zu allem zu tragen ;o)
Ganz liebe und herzliche Grüße aus der grade wieder "erfrierenden" Heimat

Stampin Mindy said...

Do not change a thing about the way YOU do YOUR BLOG! If they don't like it they do not have to visit. My hubby was born in Guatemala and he learned english as a teenager. One thing with those translators that he has taught me is when another language is converted to English sometimes certian things do not make sense. I have never had a problem reading anything on your blog and I'm sure your 3500+ blog readers feel the same. Do what works for you and you only! ♥


Debs M said...

fabulous makes - it makes me want to learn to knit!!
I don't always comment but if people do not like anything about your blog then they should just stop visiting! This person is a troll - this is a name for someone who leaves (usually anonymous) negative comments intended to upset/annoy someone - they should get a life and stop being hurtful to people! x

Shazza said...

Hi Claudia, how very rude of this person!! Wonder how good her written German is? I know I could not even attempt to write a blog psot in another language, please do not change a thing. As for your knits, they are gorgeous, especially love the colour of the last one x

Anonymous said...

Claudia, I would not let the comments left on your blog try to ruin the way you post or the beautiful person you truly are. I myself learned to speak English later in life and believe me NO person should pass judgement on another. I love the work, time and effort you put on your blog and artwork and hope you continue to post in English as this will make the person that wrote the nasty comments eat every word. Well that is it from me I really don't post comments often but I am a regular visitor to your blog.Have a blessed day.

Dawn @ LilyPinkScraps said...

Please don't spend any more time worrying about this person who obviously is a lost soul looking to cause upset and trouble. I do not see any problem at all with your postings as they are but whatever you decide, it is your personal blog and your decision to make. Do what makes you happy :)

Lisa Lynn said...

Claudia, I'm sorry that someone was nasty. Until you said all this - I didn't know that English wasn't your primary language. As I was taught by my Mother (which is a quite a few years ago now) "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing." Well, apparently this woman didn't have the teachers of a strict Mother. With the amount of followers and the comments that you get it must be that this poor soul is just jealous of your incredible talents. Know that someday this person will get her judgement day. Have a wonderful day and try to not let it drag you down.

Elena F said...

Oh NO!, NO!; what a pitty; what will say this woman for my blog?....O.M.G; I thing that the important is that you TRY!, and also in english I understand you. HUGS; I´m with you. Elena.

Claudia said...

Hallo Claudia,

das ist ja wirklich eine Frechheit. Die Leser sollen doch froh und glücklich sein, wenn man (als Nicht-Native Speaker) versucht, eine halbwegs akzeptable Englisch-Version zu schreiben. Denn selbst gebrochenes Englisch ist besser als der Google-Übersetzer.
Für meine Posts brauche ich auch immer sehr lange, weil ich auch versuche eine vernünftige Englisch-Version hinzukriegen. Wenn einem das dann nicht gedankt wird, ist das wirklich bitter. Aber ich glaube, dass dieser anonyme (geht ja auch gar nicht) Schreiber eine Einzelmeinung darstellt, die man nicht ernst nehmen darf.



Craftyrose said...

Claudia I agree with Debs. This person is a troll. They say hurtful things to upset you. Don't let this pathetic creep get to you or upset you. They don't deserve to be listened to. Thank you for taking the time to write your blog in English. It's a pleasure to read and the work you share with us all is amazing. I wish my German was as fluent as your English my Beautiful blog, beautiful person and don't forget that!!!

Knerten said...

Dear Claudia,
I am so sorry to read your post now, as I agree with Lisa Lynn above; have you nothing good to say, keep silent !

Your english is surely good enough, and I would certainly not allow rude people to post on my blog. After all, I am the owner of the blog, and I am entitled to decide what to accept or not, to be posted on my blog.

You are a true inspirator, and I would be sorry if you would find it necessary to make all posts in German, as it is so convenient reading in English (which is not my native language either.. )

Keep up the good work, and simply delete all negative posts, we do not need the negativity in our lives !

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, dear :-)


Laney said...

Claudia popping by as I usually do, see your beautiful work,I must admit I dont always comment but I am shocked to hear of this hurtful person ..please dont change your blog because of someones hurtful comments if she doesnt like it she shouldnt visit will be her loss.... I think you and your blog are an inspiration to many and I do really enjoy my visit

Penni said...

I think your English is fabulous Claudia. You don't need to change anything.

Sheri said...

She is a very small person who has very low self esteem so he runs down others in order to make herself feel better about her. You are doing a wonderful job. Please don't give her another thought.

Hege said...

Please just continue showing your beautiful cards and all your other projects!!! Some people are just not worth using energy on- the person who made hurtful comments on your postings is just such a person! My english is the worst, but I do think that most people can understand as long as they want to!

I love your work, Claudia! You don't have to change anything on your postings!!! Please keep inspiring us as you've always done!!!

Lots of hugs, Hege :)

Patty Sue 2 said...

I had a rude comment not too long ago. Like you it takes me by surprise. My reply was that we all like different things and that is what makes us special. You are very special and your blog brings joy to so many. I think people who hurt other s through words must be hurting terribly themselves. Do not let anyone's words change you. The opinion of one is just that nothing more. Keep bringing happiness to others and you will be blessed.

Patty Sue 2 said...

I forgot to say....I am so loving your knitted shawls...beautiful!

Anonymous said...

She's an idiot! Your knitting is beautiful. I especially like the last wrap, but I'm not polished enough to pull off one like it! I love your colouring and was so disappointed to realise that I had just missed your workshop in the UK. I'm hoping to not miss the next one!
Erin (a Canadian living in the UK).

Unknown said...

You know some people whose first language is English, can't write it correctly, so I wouldn't worry too much what this person has wrote. Your blog is very warm and friendly and I for one visit most days just to admire your wonderful work. So please don't change a thing, this is what makes you, you! Big hugs x.

Danielle Champagne said...

Hello Claudia, I read with sadness that someone was so negative towards you. I am French speaking, my english is tinted of franglish accent, and I know I make mistakes, but I certainly try my best, just the same as you do. I ALWAYS read you , and ALWAYS understood what you write. So please just let go of someone who is such a POOR person that all she has to do is leaving negative comments about the quality of your writing, and cannot appreciate your artwork.
I salute the courage you showed by learning by yourself another language, It would take me much courage to learn german...
Please let go... and concentrate on the beautiful things you make and how pleased we are all when visiting you.

Amanda R said...

Hi Claudia, although I love following your blog I have to admit this is probably the first time I have commented. I just wanted to say to please ignore the lady with the critical comment. I am impressed that you can even speak two languages so the fact you may make a grammatical error here and there is minor. Many people raised in the US speak worse then you do so you should be proud that you are able to write and speak this language plus another. I would imagine this lady probably can't. So there.

cafty lil pixie said...

Claudia, you are a beautiful person that has the ability to make a difference in the world, & reach out to others with your amazing talents that many others can only wish they had half the ability of, if a person can only nit pick at you over a tiny aspect of your abilities.... Well, lets just say shame on them for their pathetic insight to your obvious talent! Jealousy & discrimination is the only thing that drives people like that, they arent really the types of people that others enjoy being around for that matter either, mainly because they have a lot of growing up to do in realation to their insecurities.... Very sad for this person that they werent taught by their parents how to use their manners. Keep up the great work claudia your are a great inspiration to all of your followers & loving family, & thatsall that matters, love Hayley xxx

cafty lil pixie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I say if they're not "woman" enough to own up to their comment, then they obviously are just rude and not nice! I've had someone "correct" my grammar, but it was done in a nice way and with the person letting me know who it was. It went over a fine because she was nice and sweet about it. Some people have nothing better to do!

Christine said...

I don't blame you for being upset. I was upset and ranted at DH just to hear that someone would be so mean-spirited. I do follow you regularly but I admit I rarely comment. I'm always so impressed by people that are willing to take risks by writing or presenting in a second language. My French is atrocious and I admit that neither people in France or Quebec really can understand me well. I'd be terrified to write regular blog posts in French. You just ignore her. Some people just have to make others feel bad to build themselves up.

Snoopy said...

Claudia, I love your blog, I love your posts, you are SO TALENTED ... please don't change a thing! That would be giving a victory to someone who can't even sign their name to their comments. They don't deserve to win.

I've changed my blog settings so that you cannot leave an anonymous message and that has taken away all the cowards, trolls, and spammers. If you make any change at all, that would be the only one I'd recommend.

Stay true to who you are. You have a ton of followers who look forward to reading your posts and seeing your beautiful work!

Snoopy :D

Karen said...

Claudia, I have been a follower of your blog for as long as I can remember. I receive the posts by email now, loving the cards and other things that you create but rarely coming over to comment. However, I have to agree with the others: Quality of writing is not what crafty/arty blogs are about and in all the years of reading your blog I have never had trouble understanding you.
As a British person living in France, I have been asked to write in French on my blog because Google translate is far from perfect! I try to write in both and would love my French to be good enough for someone to think I might actually be French! If this lady thought you were a native-English speaker then it is a compliment!
Why some people are so narrow-minded that they think they are in a position to judge others, especially publicly ... That I do not understand!

Ella's Design said...

What a shame that there are bloggers out there who seem to want to spoil the community for the rest of us! I have been a follower of yours for years now and read every post - I am a native Brit and have no problem understanding your English. I visit your blog to see your wonderful creations and share your thoughts and ideas - you are truly inspirational in your work and always offer advise when asked...if you feel that it would be easier to blog in German and use google translate, then that is your choice and it certainly wouldn't stop me from visiting, but please don't allow the opinion of one person to change the way you share your beautiful creations!
I enjoy seeing your knitted work and love the shawls you have made, I am currently learning to crochet and it's because of people like yourself and seeing your work that inspired me to try! I look forward to your future posts, whatever the language! Hugs, Lisa x

Craftdee said...

Oh Claudia, what a shame that you have had this rudeness shown to you... there's nothing wrong with the way you express yourself in English; you're better than many people for whom it is their first language and so much better than Google Translator, that's for sure! All I can say is give these negative comments the attention they deserve... which is NONE! Love your work, Donna xx

Carole Pillon said...

Hello Claudia,
I am a follower since a few years now and I love your english, also your german accent (on your viedos). I am french, so I understand everything on your blog. Please do not make any change, this person is not happy, and you are. This is the most important in life.
Please stay yourself !

Your atwork is always beautiful.

Lou said...

I'm so sorry you've been affected by a negative comment. Please try to keep in mind that she probably has a sad and lonely life with nothing better to occupy her time than to be rude. I know how sometimes, when you're not feeling your best, things can get to you & it's hard to shrug off, but you have to put it out of your mind and try to think about the many many, more positive & appreciative people you'll find through sharing your lovely work. :-)

Lou said...

I'm so sorry you've been affected by a negative comment. Please try to keep in mind that she probably has a sad and lonely life with nothing better to occupy her time than to be rude. I know how sometimes, when you're not feeling your best, things can get to you & it's hard to shrug off, but you have to put it out of your mind and try to think about the many many, more positive & appreciative people you'll find through sharing your lovely work. :-)

phyllis said...

Sorry someone was so nasty. I love your blog.
Phyllis Z

Jo Ann said...

1 crabapple won't ruin the barrel. I love your blog! My grandparents were from Germany and I treasured they way they talked. You do great!
The person must have been jealous. I am too, but I would only be in awe!

Gerrina said...

Great knitting; that are a hole lot of hours you put in those georgious neas! Don´t mind if you write in German; think that is quicker to read for me (I´m Dutch)... Love the things you show and share here! Warm greetings, Gerrina

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I rarely comment but your post made me want to say I am in sure awe of your talent! I love your knitting-something I could not catch on to! Your cards are always well done to perfection. I hate to admit I use Anonymous just because I have been too lazy to set up a google accoutn. I think that tacky woman is just plain jealous of your talent. She should keep her opinions to herself! If she doesn't appreciate your talent - she should not subscribe to your blog! I will step off my soapbox now. Thank you for sharing your talent with us who appreciate it!

Chris R. from Iowa

Merilee Lane said...

Dear Claudia,

I have been subscribed to your blog for a few years now and have really enjoyed it. I may not write to you very often, but I read the written content of your blog, as well as view your beautiful creations daily. In all of your blog posts, I have never read anything that I did not readily understand. Your English is absolutely fine and I wouldn't change a thing.

It is a privilege to visit your blog and the visitor should always remember that he or she are there because you have invited them to be there, not the other way around. Therefore, appropriate manners should apply, just as if we were all sitting with you in your living room.

If you like to blog in English, then you should blog in English. If you would prefer to blog in German and allow your readers to translate, that is fine, too. I enjoy your blog immensely and will continue to read it in whatever language you choose to write.

Thank you for sharing all these years. You have been a true inspiration in my life. You have helped me to allow my own creativity to flow freely and have the courage to develop my own sense of style.

Many hugs to you,

MarieL said...

Hello Claudia,
maybe she is jealous of your work and that is why she felt she had to leave a nasty comment. If she was a regular reader she would know that english is your second language. Claudia, you wouldn't believe the bad english that I get to see at work and they all went to school here.
Mach Dir keine Sorgen, wir verstehen Dein englisch und bewunderen Deine tollen Werke.
From one German to another... :)

janice moss said...

I actually feel sad for the person who was so critical of you, for they are the one with a Critical Spirit. I'm sure that she is not a joyful woman so she goes about being critical of others. I know that it hurt. Try praying FOR her, and I'm confident the pain will go away! Blessings to you talented lady!!!

Anonymous said...

All your work is so beautiful, and we should all be so lucky or smart to be able to speak more than one language
I look at your work and wish I could make such beautiful things.
You speak the language of beauty, please keep doing what you do!!
Nadine Cunha

Mandy said...

Claudi I am horrified that someone is so rude and nasty, I wonder how many languages they are word perfect in! Please do not take any notice hunny, your English is brilliant and speaking as an English girl we are a very lazy nation with languages and I always think we are lucky those who English isn't their first language make so much effort to communicate in our language.
Hunny set your comments to "registered users only" who can comment and this way nasty cowards often don't bother anymore.
Your shawls are gorgeous, I especially love the grey one
hugs Mandy xx

Sabrina said...

Hi, Claudi, I am a fairly new follower of your blog. I always look forward to seeing and reading your blog everyday. It brings me such joy and puts a smile on my face when I am having a bad day. Please don't stop what you are doing just because this person was feeling bad about them self that they had to take it out on you. They probably took it out on a lot of other wonderful bloggers as well. You inspire so many people to want to learn how or more about making cards or knitting. So please I beg and plead of you don't change a thing. We all think you are perfect just the way you are.
Love& Hugs

Pam said...

Hi Claudia.....don't change a thing about your blog. I understand everything you write. My Mother always said "Pretty is as pretty does" she must be awful ugly.
I enjoy all the beautiful creations you showcase on your blog. Keep it up!!!

Anne said...

Hi Claudia! I rarely comment as I visit quite a few blogs and just don't take the time. However, I have followed you for awhile and am SO inspired by you! Please don't let some small person make you feel bad! So many of us appreciate everything you do! I can't imagine trying to learn another language like you have done! NO ONE is perfect and there are quite a few American born people who use improper English!
I recently took up knitting again, and always enjoy when you share your projects; these are really gorgeous and will be enjoyed so much by your Mom and friend!

birdie2107 said...

Don't pay any attention to those kind of people. NO ONE is perfect. I enjoy your work. Don't change for NO ONE and no need to apologize.

Thank you for sharing all your beautiful work.


Candy said...

Hi Claudia,
I would just like to address the extremely rude comment that was left for you.
This person wasn't brave enough to leave their name, that shows you how unintelligent they are!! The comment was not necessary in the least. You write your blog wonderfully and I have been a follower almost since you started. I have no trouble understanding you in the least!
You do your blog the way you wish and if you choose to write in German I will still be here.
You are the kind lady who helped me find Magnolia Stamps 8 years ago and who helps me daily by showing your wonderful work.
You are a wonderful person and so talented in all you do.
I hope that nasty person reads the comments she has caused and sees what we all think of her.
Your knitting is beautiful - I envy the people who receive your beautiful gifts.
Big soft hugs to you today, Candy

Anne said...

Claudia you must not spend any more time worrying about this. Your posts are always very detailed and your English is excellent.
Even if it wasn't, it's your blog to write what and how you like - please ignore this idiot who obviously has nothing better to do.
Anne xx

scrappinpeg said...

What a RUDE blogger to say such words to you Claudia. Your postings are always fine. If she has issues then she should not visit! LOL. I swear people SPEAK before they THINK most of the time.......... IGNORE HER!
hugs to you sweetie. Love your knittings!

Ivonne said...

Hi Claudia! Darling, your posts are PERFECT, what you write is perfect and your creations are perfect! Ignore those rude comments, people like that are frustrated and jealous. My main language is Spanish and when someone criticizes my English or makes fun of my accent, I just imagine them speaking in Spanish, that's all I need to ignore them. So hun, ignore those comments and keep delighting us with your amazing talent and creations. Big hug, Ivonne

Emma and Susan said...

Hi Claudia

I don't leave you many comments but when I read your post I was so annoyed for you! These people are just cowards and deserve nothing but contempt they don't even leave their names because they don't want anyone to know who they are because they know what they are doing is downright disgusting. Ignore this person Claudia, I, like the rest of your followers love you blog and your posts, they are always so full of the most beautiful and amazing inspiration.
Please just carry on the way you always have done we all love you for all your hard work and beautiful creations.

Love and hugs
Susan xxx

Kelly said...

Claudia, you have strength to write on this subject. I do not mind anyone's language and like you said we have google translator but I have followed you since I started blogging and I always understand you. I enjoy your blog and creative makings, do not fret!
Hugs Kelly

runzalot81 said...

Claudia, I love your blog. I'm a teacher and I work with bilingual students everyday. I think you should remove any comments you find offensive. You wouldn't let someone speak to you that way in your house, right? I would hope you kick that person out! This is your blog- your house on the internet. Freedom of speech blah blah blah. Once again, it's YOUR blog. Chin up, Girl!

Iulia said...

Don't worry hunnie; your English is perfect, and even if it weren't who actually cares? We are a big family here and we are all here because we love seeing each other's work. People say rude things because of envy or just for the fun of being rude but this is definitely not a subject for you to feel sad about!
Those wraps are fabulous; you are so talented in everything you do!
Hugs, Iulia

Cindi said...

Wow. I can't believe some people. If they don't like how you write they don't have to read it. I read a lot of crafters' blogs from other countries and have used google translator (let me tell you that thing has bad english). If you wrote your blog in German I'd still visit, but do it the way you want to and ignore the bad feedback. Love your creations :)

Louise said...

Hi Claudia just wanted to say do not let this persons words get to you,I have always been able to read your posts and I understood your English at Sir Stampalot perfectly well when you visited. I am English and write in English and always have trouble expressing myself in writing and I drop my H sometimes when I speak,sometimes people can be hurtful and I know I am not so educated as others but I love to craft and I love to see what you have made because your work is amazing and your also a truly lovely person.
Hugs louise xx

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Fantastic knitting Claudia, it's very inspiring!

Keep writing and posting, I love your fantastic work and love to visit your blog for inspiration, and I do understand your writing!

From a Finn living in Sweden and writing in English :)

Warm hugs

zehra said...

i am amazed that anyone would look beyond your work to talk about your English, this is a person who does nto value work.
You work is so beautiful, and this is your blog, you ahve a right to express it in any language but also a right to write English the way you think is right.
thanks for sharing your work
love these shawls.

Joey said...

Hi Claudia, I have never left a comment on your blog but I folllow your blog religiously but I was so hurt and upset for you that I really wanted to let you know that you have my support. Dont let this nasty person take up any more of your time. They are just jealous of the amazing and beautiful work. I dont understand how some people can be so hurtful. Continue being you! Do what makes you happy and dont listen to the other nasty people out there. Continue doing what you love.

Big hugs


Pat said...

Hi Claudia. I've been following your work for quite some time now...I don't always leave comments...but I definitely visit to get inspiration. First, let me say that I love your work! And your knitting is stunning!! Now...about the nasty comments...I agree with everyone else's comments. I know it hurts to be attacked so personally. I must say...your English is a million times better than my German! And I enjoy reading your posts!! I actually had to change my blog settings to not allow "anonymous" commenters...I was getting so much SPAM that it was making me crazy!! Hang in there, sugar...and keep doing what you do...because you do it beautifully!! Hugs. Pat Frank

Eulanda said...

I don`t understand why people even need to bother entering your blog if it`s not something they can visit without criticism. It`s not like they are forced to be here.

People who need every word to be written in perfect English aren`t that smart. The reason I say this is because we actually read by taking in the whole sentence and not just single words. I skim and to be honest, I didn`t even notice you were anything BUT English. LOL! Ok so maybe I`m too under observant but for crying out loud some people are too serious.

Your blog isn`t an English class so I don`t expect to see perfection in the way you word things. I come here because I find your work so incredibly inspiring and I don`t care how you explain it to me. You are so good at what you are doing and please continue to do what you`ve been doing. I and many others, visit because we care about you and we care about your creations and love to learn from you.

You`re incredible!!


Glimpses of My Heart said...

Claudia - I want to add my sentiments to all the others. I am very sorry that someone left such a rude comment on your blog. Your work is always beautiful and having followed your blog for some time I am also assured that your heart is equally beautiful! It was very unkind and hurtful for someone to say anything negative to you and I hope you do not change anything about your blog! Your blog is the very first one I ever read (at the time I had no idea what a blog was) and I still come back nearly every day to see what you are up to. Try to shake off her/his negative comments and know that you are dearly loved and appreciated in blog-land.
Many blessings dear friend,

Cheryl O said...

Oh Claudia, I'm so sorry to hear you were hurt by someones comment. it's easy for us to say let it go, it's one unknown person, but that can be hard to do. In talking about a similar situation today with my daughter we both were saying how you can't please everyone, nor make them happy, and that's okay.

I've been coming to your blog because of your amazing talent and what I can learn from you. You inspire so many of us. I personally find your writing rather endearing, but then, my daughter-in-law and grandchildren are Asian, English is not their first language and I'm used to listening to what is being said not how. My grandparents were immigrants from Germany and never learned English, so again translation thru my mom as to what was said.

My advice would be to ignore it , you do a great job with your English. I will continue to be back, and it sure doesn't bother me!!! And, from the looks from some of the other comments, it's not impacting them either!!!

Keep up the good work, you're doing a great job!!!

Carole said...

Hi Claudia
Sorry to read you received a horrid comment. I hope you are encouraged by all the lovely comments everyone has left for you - your work is amazing. Always a joy to pop by.
Hope you and the family are keeping well.

MetalFimo2 said...

complimenti per i bei lavori a maglia, ciao.

Tracey T said...

Hi Claudia! Well, I'm shocked! I haven't been around much due to work but I'm horrified to hear that someone has left unkind comments about your English! I'm a languages teacher and I can assure you that anyone worth knowing would never be rude about someone's ability to speak or write another language. I would LOVE to be able to speak German as well as you speak and write English! Don't take any notice of unkind comments and I think the fact that the commenter was Anonymous says it all. You have to feel sorry for people like that, really. Hugs, Tracey x

Anita said...

Claudia, I am so sorry that some coward left you a nasty message. I visit your blog often and never have a problem understanding what you have written. Your use of the English language is amazing ... and much better than some that were born here lol! You are so talented and you should just do what works best for you. It's such a shame there are such nasty, small-minded people. I think they try to make others feel small in order to make themselves feel better. Don't give her mean comments another thought! Hugs, Anita

My name is Wynneth said...

Claudia, your knitting projects are fabulous ! I love to knit and it's especially nice to knit for friends and family. I love the shawls you've made and especially the first one shown on this post - I MUST try and get a hold of this pattern as I would so love to make one of these for myself !


Danielle said...

Hi Claudia,
I just wanted to say that I visit your blog to see your amazing talent and gorgeous pieces of art - NOT to scrutinize your ability to write in English!! Your blog posts are always a delight to read and your work is such an inspiration to me! Please do not let the negativity of one person stop you from doing what you love!!
Hugs, Danielle xo

Mo said...

Liebe Claudia!
Deine Tücher sind der Hammer..., eines schöner als das andere! Mir gefällt das silbergraue am besten, das sieht so schön kuschelig und warm aus...
Claudia dein Englisch ist super! Ich würde mir wünschen ich könnte so gut schreiben wie du, lass dir ja nicht's gegenteiliges einreden!
Ganz herzlich,