Time for a little blog candy - wow... almost 170.000 hits. Thank you so much!
It took me a while to get this ready... you will see why :-)
First the main candy is a brand new Magnolia stamp... perfect for fall. I don't know about you but i did start already with fall cards. The litte book is handmade and covered with Designer Paper from Stampin up it has 20 clear plastic sleeves (if you do not like to use it for your images.. the size is perfect for USA size cards to store). In these plastic sleeves you will get 200 stamped images - one image per quarter sheet. All images are A-quality stamped and i used the same paper i work with for my cards. The first 100 images are already stamped and are inside the book - i left the other sleeves empty so you can choose what ever image you like from my stamp collection. I will ship of course internationally.
Blog candy includes:
handmade book filled with 200 stamped images (some you can choose)
1 brand new spool of Stampin up ribbon (i forgot to add this to the picture)
To enter the blog candy:
- Subscribe to my blog newsletter by entering your email address under "Subscribe via email" on the right hand side.
- Link my blog to your blogroll. If Pretty Pressings is already linked - super :-)
- Please write a post on your blog, letting your readers know about my blog candy.
- Leave a comment on this posting, so I can come to visit your blog, after you fullfilled the other points
- If you are already a subscriber you can enter your name 2 x into the drawing 2x (please leave a on this posting)

before i forget.. finally i remembered to take a picture of the craft nook we are working on. This is the custom made table that my husband makes for me for my upcomming 40. :-( birthday. on the left hand side is such a little nook.. for this nook we got the Ikea cabinets and on the right hand side will be 4 cabinets hung on the wall. My husband will add into the cabinets such round lamps to shine on the table so i will have better light. It is not big.. i know many of you have seen these gorgeous rooms many have in their big homes in the USA i have had already many emails assuming that my space will be that big :-) No it is not but for me this will do and iam very happy about it - no more working on the dining room table and cleaning up after every single thing i make.

1 – 200 of 251 Newer› Newest»Hey! Great blog candy!! I love all of the magnolia samples you have posted here as well!
oh wie toll, die karte ist ja genial, so wundervolle farben und das motiv ist super in szene gesetzt - ein perfekte karte!!!
und dein zimmer wird sicher genial werden und ich freue mich auf deine neuen inspirationen, die dann nur so fließen.
I love your card and what wonderful blog candy, how great to get your own crafting area. I have a closet, not one of those lucky people in the US with a big space but it works for me.
Wow, love this! I've subscribed, you were all ready linked and I've put up a post, so enter me for a chance to win this fun stuff.
Claudia, diese Karte ist ein Gedicht...
Das Motiv (Tilda), die Papiere, die Coloration, ach die ganze Karte ist... SAGENHAFT!!!!
Ein tolles Bastelzimmer bekommst du (könnte ich auch gebrauchen).
GLG Doris
Hallo liebe Claudia
Wie geht es Deinen Liebsten und Dir? Hoffentlich bestens!
Dein Blog Candy ist der absolute Traum und fast 170'000 Hits... Ich platze fast vor Stolz! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Du bist und bleibst eine geniale Künstlerin für mich!! Bin froh dass ich Dich "kennenlernen" durfte. :-)
Mein erstes Blog Candy an dem ich teilnehme... Mal sehen, vielleicht hab ich ja gleich Glück. Let's keep fingers crossed!
BIG hugs
Your Swiss friend, Pati
Beautiful card! I love your blog. Great blog candy! Thanks for offering it.
Great, great blog candy! You do such great work! I could look at your samples all day! I had already subscribed to your blog and I've added you to my blog roll. Here's by link: http://stampingtink.blogspot.com. Thanks for the opportunity and chance to win!
I soooo adore Magnolias and you have some amazing samples on site! what a fun candy I posted on my baby blog .
here is my blog http://winxyescapes.blogspot.com/
What beautiful blog candy, would be lovely to win. Hope you can visit my blog. Linda
Oh wow this is so cute. Great to see your work space coming on so well how exciting.
Woweeeeee! This is amazing blog candy and an original Claudia creation to boot. Of course you're on my blogroll already as I visit your site regularly. Congrats on your crafting area - I know what its like to craft on the dining room table and have to put everything away as this is my work/craft area as well.
Hi! I just have to say the I LOVE MAGNOLIA STAMPS!!! You are so talented to showcase her so well! This is the first time that I've been able to participate in blog candy ....I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win....infinity! Do you think that will help me win? LOL Great work!
die Karte ist ein Traum, wunderschön geworden.
Wauw, that's a fabulous candy blog!
I love the name "De-licous candy"
But most of all I love your work, I'm a big fan from you.
Wow Claudia!! That's and awesome prize. I love your new scrap nook. It looks like you'll have lots of room. I'm already a subscriber to your wonderful blog and have a link on my side bar already too. So I went ahead and add a post and link here for everbody else.
Wow Claudia what a pretty little book!! What a great idea and anyone would love to have this!! Adorable image!! How generous of you!! It is no surprise you have had that many visitors!! I have already done what I need to do to enter!! Congrats and I personally love your craft room and when it is done it looks like it will be fantastic!! Thanks for the chance at this candy!!!
Great blog candy - I follow your blog very often always new beautiful cards :-) Linda
Oh wow, how fantastic. I have left a link to your blog in my blog and also given you something a little extra - no, I am not trying to bribe you !! hehehehe
Jo x
It's always a pleasure to discover your new creations :)
I've subscribed to your newsletter. And you were before in my favorites blogs.Here the link on my blog :) Blog Candy de Claudia
Have a nice evening :)
Sorry my link is wrong :(
Hi my friend.....I love your magnolia book.....you really make some beautiful things, you have fantastic ideas.
I will leave a link about your wonderful blog candy on my blog.
Carole ;o)
Wauh, You sure make nice cards.
I like your style:-)
Hi Claudia,
eine wunderschöne Bastelarbeit hast du da gezaubert. Bin mal wieder total begeistert.
Freue mich schon auf deine neuen Arbeiten.
LG Pamela
Liebe Claudi
Ich hoffe dir geht es gut
Dieses Kärtchen ist auch mal wieder total schön geworden.
Ich bin echt schon seit ich dich kenne ein riesiger Fan deiner Arbeiten.
deine Anleitungen und Ideen sind echt immer wieder ein Bereicherungen.
Lg Mona
Wow die Karte ist wieder super schön:-)und wieder ein Motiv was ich unbedingt haben möchte;-). Dein Candy ist ausserdem traumhaft!
Gern verlinke ich Dich auf meinem Blog.
Weiterhin wünsche ich euch viel Spaß beim Umbauen.
Liebe Grüße
what a lovely blog candy you have there.Your happy space looks very nice to me.It isn't about the size if you are comfortable there and you have your own little place that is what counts.You make such beautiful cards now with no space of your own.Can't wait to see what you make when you do have your own happy room ;)
Hallo was soll ich sagen mal wieder voll ins SCHWARZE getroffen ich liebe Deine Sachen jedes Mal ein Highlight diese anzuschauen!!!
Ganz lieben Gruß Drea (Familywoman)
Congrats on all the hits Claudia!! And I LOOOOOOVE that book!! It's so beautiful and what a lucky winner!!!
I'm SO jealous that your stamps arrived.....I'm still stalking my mail delivery person....hehehe!!!
Hi there Claudia,
Congrats to your almost 170.000 (!) hits!!! Love your Blog Candy and I hope I'm the lucky one to win this :)
Hugs Cheryl x
Congrats to you Claudia. So many hits in so little time.
Great blogcandy you're offering.
xoxo karin
Claudia- well of course I am joining this blog candy. I love that little book you made. As lovely as the magnolia stamps are your book with images is just as important girl! Yikes- that is a lot of images to give away! I will be posting a link/note on my blog for sure (hm... maybe I shouldn't, then more people will join and less chance for me :( ) LOL! Thanks!
Hi Claudia! That folder is AWESOME!! Love it!
And I can't wait to see the pics of your cardmaking room when it's finished! Good luck woth the rest;)
Here is the link to my post about your blog candy: Claudia's blog candy
Huhu Claudi,
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 170' clicks!!!!! Wahnsinn!!!!! Und Dein Zimmer.... WAHNSINN - ich dachte meins wär schon groß, aber das übertrifft ja alles..... WOW!!!!
Also Deinen Newsletter bekomm ich, Dein Blog war fast der erste, den ich hineingestellt hatte und einen Kommentar hab ich bei mir auch hinterlassen!! Hab ich noch etwas vergessen, um Deine Voraussetzungen zu erfüllen???
Und das Büchhlein ist echt süss!!!!!!
Danke für die Gewinnchance!!!!
Mal wieder ein super schönes Werk Claudi.
Gefällt mir sehr, sehr gut.
Gucke immer wieder sehr gerne bei Dir vorbei.
Liebe Grüße
Thank you for posting all your beautiful magnolia creations! They are gorgeous. The blog candy is wonderful! I don't have a blog so I don't know if I can be entered to win but I hope so. Thanks for all the inspiration.
What an inspirational and beautiful gift (the words "blog candy" just doesn't do your work justice). Whoever recieves it is extremely lucky (can't enter myself as I don't have a blog...not that clever!). Your craft room looks like it's going to be the bees knees when it's finished, I'm crafting in my bedroom, well it's got a bed in it the rest is my crafting goodies, WOO HOO.
Oh Wow Claudia what a gorgeous image book you have made and double wow for the 170,000 hits!, I'm already a subscriber and you are already listed on my favourite blogs, I will put a message up on my blog now to spread the word., Hugs, Nikki x
What an awesome blog candy!! I've been subscribed to your blog feed for quite a while now. I also subscribed to your email. You are also on my bloglist. I just love your cards. I don't say much but I do look and admire.
huhu Rosa
habe die Anweisungen ganz lieb befolgt und hoffe, dass ich jetzt an deiner Verlosung teilnehmen darf :-)
ich hoffe, ich hab alles richtig gemacht.
Deine Karte ist wie immer ein Traum und ich bin schon total gespannt auf dein neues Bastelzimmer!
Claudia, I think your craft room wil be fabulous! It's wonderful of your husband to make your craft table. I am so excited to see your room. I do envy you. :) My craft space is just it - a small space in my room lol! And yes I have to clean up right after because there is no more room to walk on. lol! Congratulations on your may hits. Can you pls post pictures of the inside of your min book? I am so curious now. Thanks!
I'd love to win the blog candy but I don't have a blog, yet, but if I did I would definitely link to your site and will once I get a blog. Your work is absolutely beautiful! I love this stamp it's so so cute. I wish you could enter me even though I haven't met all the rules. Keep up the good work! So inspiring!!!
Nancy :)
What a generous gift all those stamped images and a Claudia original to boot! You are already on my bloglist. I tried to subscribe but it will not accept my e-mail address. i son't know why. It is Canadian but that shouldn't matter. I hope that I am not disqualified because of it. I will try again later!
Yay!!! Congrats on all the hits Claudia, it really doesn't surprise me though, you are so talented and have a terrifc blog, it's no ownder you're up past 170 000 already!! I already subscribe and I already have you linked, so here is the post about your blog candy:
Pick me, pick me!!! Thanks for all of the inspiration!!
Oh yes and your crafting space looks great!! I have a little office we made in the basement when we built our house...I could definitely use more space, but it's gret to have a space to call your own:-)
Hi Claudia,Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy! I was already linked to your wonderful blog .I love all your beautiful work and of course I will do anything for a magnolia stamp:)
What amazing blog candy! I've checked off the list. Your work is so beautiful -- really inspiring!
Oh Claudia, the book looks wonderful.. I would really love to be a proud owner of "Claudia original"..
Congratulations on your 170,000 hits!!
I added the link to your blog candy to my blog. I am also a faithful subscriber to your blog :-).
:) Irina
ui, dein Abdruckbüchlein ist toll geworden, die kleine Tilda hast du toll in Szene gesetzt....
und um dein tolles Zimmer beneide ich dich jetzt schon (o:
Claudia, dein Stempelabdruckbuch ist einfach nur hinreißend. Da passt wie immer alles.
Hi Claudia, Glückwunsch zu so vielen Klicks auf deinem Blog. Das Candy ist ja genial und ich versuche mal mein Glück.
Wow, dein Bastelzimmer wird bestimmt ganz toll werden. Ich möchte auch sooo gerne einen solchen Raum nur für mich allein.
LG Andrea
Hi congrats on reaching 17,000 hits I can see why you have some wonderful design on here. I have added a link on my blog and sign up for your free newsletter so would love to go into your blog candy draw thanks for the chance to win I love Tildas.
Woohoo!! Congrats on your many, many hits!! I love that book - it's super adorable!!
I've already subscribed via feed and email, linked on my blogroll, and blogged HERE! :)
Thanks for the chances!
bunnybox9 at gmail . com
Happy upcoming Birthday! :) Looks like it's gonna be a really nice nook! Can't wait to see the end product!
I love Magnolia! I've just been searching online and visiting blogs that feature it. I think they are just so adorable!
What a wonderful blog candy - Thank you. I have had you subscribed via my RSS feed for some time - does that count for the 2x?
Your new craft space looks fantastic - I'm so jealous :) :)
Congratulations with your almost 170.000 hits, this is impressive!
What a gorgeous Blog Candy! I hope you will visit my blog, I will leave there a message about this!
Have a nice day! Hugs, Alina
Huhu, ich möchte auch beim Candy mitmachen.... die Sachen die du bastelst, sind immer total herrlich!!!!
Weiter so!
LG, Ann (February22)
Wow wow wow Claudia your candy certainly is "De-licious" oh how I wish to be the lucky winner! Have subscribed, put a comment on my blog and you are already on my blog roll!!
Congratulations on 170,000 hits that's fantastic!
What a fab work table your hubby has made for your birthday, very nice!
Joanne x
ich schau immer wieder gern auf Deinen Blog. Sooo tolle Sachen gibt es zu entdecken, da möchte ich gern bei deinem Candy mitmachen.
Liebe Grüße von Bastel-Elfe Elkinger
I love your blog and am already subscribed and you re already on my blog as a favourite. Just going to post about you candy give away
Huhu Claudia !
Deine Arbeiten sind alle wunderschööön ! Auch diesesmal hast Du wieder ganz meinen Geschmack getroffen und ich bin immer ganz begeistert, was Du für schöne Ideen hast ! Mach weiter so!!!
Und bald hast Du noch das schöne Bastelzimmer... so eines würde mir auch gefallen !
Eine tolle Idee ist auch Dein Blog-Candy .... vielleicht habe ich ja Glück !
Also,ich verlinke Dich auch mal auf meinem Blog .....
Viele liebe Grüße, Steffi
Just had a look at your blog and think all your cards are fantastic. Great blog candy too.
Sharon x
That room of yours is going to be great - like how you have set it up and love the long table - lucky you having a hubby to help make it happen. Would love to see picture of finished space.
Mary-Jane in Calgary, AB, Canada
Boah Claudia,
mit dem Stempelabdruckbüchlein hast Du Dich wieder mal selbst übertroffen. Einfach wunderschön! *habenwill*
So, ich gehe jetzt wieder Putzlappen besorgen, damit ich meine Tränen der Begeisterung aufwischen kann *grins*
LG Andrea
Hallo Claudia!
Dein Blog Candy ist ein Traum, genau wie alle deine anderen Werke!
Liebe Grüße,
Kerstin (Toffi-fee)
That is the cutest evah! I have subscribed, you are on my blog roll, I have posted a post on my blog here http://debbysstuff.blogspot.com/ and I am leaving you a comment. Have a great and wonderful day!
What great blog candy, but I don't have a blog, so I am sad that I can't win. I do subscribe to your blog, and read it every day. Your scrap space looks great to me, and that table is fantastic. What a wonderful husband to make that for you! Keep up your great inspiration to us all.
Wow you have some lovely candy to give away. You are already linked on my blog and have left a message.
I love your new work area, it's great. Any space of our own is most wonderful. Thank you for everything you do for me.
Helene from alota Rubber Stamps
What a great blog candy. I just scrolled through your blog, what great cards you make. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hi again Claudia, yesterday I left a comment that I had completed all steps except subscribing to your blog. It wasn't accepteing my email. Well, this morning it did..I am subscribed. I left a link for your candy on my blog. Congratulaions and thank you.
Wow, amazing candy but I'm not surprised you've had that many visitors. I think I've done everything I'm supposed to!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Sharon :-)x
fabulous candy Claudia, thanks for the opportunity to win! I have linked you on my Blog Roll, subscribed to your posts and put a post on my blog to tell everyone else who visits! Congratulations on so many hits!!
Great blog candy. I just love your blog. I'm always checking out your pretty cards.
There's a surprise for you on my blog :)
Wow, thats allota hits...Congratulations. I'm just trying to reach 5,000.. LOL I did everything that was requested, check it out....
That's an awesome blog candy to win... Who wouldn't want a new Magnolia stamp, some new ribbon and 200 images.. This is where you'd enter, "PICK ME", "PICK ME"! Since I just recently started stamping and have become addicted to it, I'd love to win your blog candy...Good luck to everyone, but mostly to me.....LOL
(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!
Great blog. I just love the candy you have here. I have never heard of these stamps befoer. It looks adorable.
Oh wow Claudia, what fantastic candy and that folder is absolutely gorgeous!! I bet you can't wait for your craft desk to be finished....lucky you!! Have put a posting on my blog and you're already linked on my blog so does that qualify me for two entries?!!!
How can anyone resist this Claudia!
I already sunscibe and you're on my blog roll of course, now I'm off to tell everyone wbout the amazing blog candy. So many hits!!! No surprise though as you are sooo talented. I LOVE this book. It's wonderful. Viv xx
Gorgeous book! I'm so happy to see you're crafting nook too. What a wonderful husband you have to build this. Fabulous for you! When is your birthday?
smiles, Deena
Hi Claudia! I forgot to mention that I was already subscribed to your fab blog! I love your work, I think you must already know that! :) Thanks for the chance at winning your wonderful blog candy!
smiles, Deena
WOW 170.000 hit's
it's amazing!!!
your blog is really COOL and I love your cards!
I've added your blog to my blogroll and I was already subscribed to your emails.
I did all the things of your list.
But I try to link my blog here and something keeps going wrong!
I'm gonna try it again, hope this will work;)
Hugs Anja
Be smart, make art.
ooh your craft room is going to wonderful :)
& love your cards
What an Awesome prize Claudia!! I've posted on my blog...I was already subcribed and You're already on my blogroll!
Congratulation with your amazing number of hits!!!! I'm impressed! And you have a beautiful blog! Here is mine: www.screppa.blogspot.com
I love your card, your blog and all the great instructions you provide. I hope to be in your drawing for the blob candy.
what a gorgeous design !!!
Wow great candy! Congrats on your new craft area. mine is still the dining room table.
Hi Claudia,
Amazing blog candy!! Would I ever love to win!! I love visiting your blog, your cards are amazing!!
on my blog
ciao from Italy
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesen vielen Beiträgen!
Deine Karte ist wunderschön!
Habe Deinen Link auf meinem Blog !
What great candy to hand out..
I love your blog and always finds tons of inspiration here.
Thank you so much..
hugs from denmark..
Great blog candy. I really love looking into your blog for all nice cards and your tutorials. I am also looking forward to see a picture of your workspace when it is finished. Great desk.
Wow claudia 170.000 hit great, you make lovley cards and your blogcandy is a beauty.I've make a link on my blog.Have a nice weekend!
hugs Agnesx
Schöne Blog mit viel Inspiration
Hi Claudia, congratulations on amost reaching 170,000 hits. Well done. I've posted your candy on my blog www.clarescrafts.blogspot.com as requested and followed your instructions. I love the magnolia stamps by the way.
Diese karte/buch ist einfach nur klassse, wunderbar und auch herzlichen glückwunsch zu den 170.000 hits, ich gehe jetzt schnell zu meinem blog und werde dich verlinken! Liebe Grüße nicky
Ohh Claudi, eigentlich haben alle Frauen schon alles gesagt, ich kann mich ihnen nur anschliessen. Wie immer ein wunderschönes Kartenwerk. Klasse Gestaltung, tolles DesignPaper und wieder eine traumhafte Coloration !!! - Übrigens, gratulation zum 170.000ten Hit!!!. Und auch gratuliere ich zu deinem wunderbaren neuen Bastelzimmer. Ich selber habe einen Keller dafür ;-)
This and everything else you have created is amazing, you are truly talented!
I have followed all the rules and crossed my fingers and toes in hopes of winning this gorgeous book!!
Hi Claudia!1 Wow - this is Amazing! so generous... I would love to win :) I have fulfilled all the points now!!
thanks for the chance :)
Hi and congratulations on you big mark! Wow what a fabulous achievement and great work. I've subscribed and left a quick word on my blog too.
I love your cards, they are always so fresh and cute!! THe new Magnolia Card is very, very nice!! Your Blog Candy also!! ;-)
big hugs, Nicole
Wow! What an awesome set of blog candy to be won by some lucky person.
I've subscribed to your blog.
I've linked a post to your blog candy. and
I've put you on my blog roll.
Congrats on all the hits.
Wow girl your room is coming along nicely and you have one talented husband. I love your table girl.
Awesome candy you have dear and such a wonderful card. I have posted a link on my blog of your blog candy
Oh and I guess I get two entrys for I am already subscribed to your blog and you are also linked on my blog already . Forgot to leave the link to the first post
you can find it Here
What a great blog candy! I have linked you on my blog! Congratulations with soooo many visitors! 170.000 is a lot! Hugs from Cathrine from Norway!:)
Yummy! Love the blog candy and your book? Can we win that also? Fabulous colors and love the paper you used.
Here is my post with the link to your blod candy.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I already get your post so please sign me up the second time. :o) Thanks again for the yummy candy!
What a fabulous blog, I just love the magnolia stamps and you have a wonderful way of showing them to their full potential. I will add you to my blog now and thank you for such a wonderful opportunity to win one of these fabulous stamps.
Hi. Great great blog candy. I love your cards, and did everything you asked for, to qualify as a winner ;o)
So ein klasse Blog Candy !!!!!! Ich liebe deine Arbeiten...jede Karte ist ein Kunstwerk für sich... Mach blos weiter so :-)
Whoa, nice craft nook!!!
I've subscribed to your email notification (I look forward to your updates, your work is beautiful!), I added your link under my favorite designers and crafters, added a post about your de-licous candy (which is a very generous candy!) and now leaving you a comment that I did so! :)
Check my site out at monatyza.blogspot.com
I have a couple of the Magnolia stamps and I love your cards using them too. Would love to win - thank you.
Sue R
Great blog candy!!! And your card is fabulous - as always :-) You're always such a great inspiration for me and I want to thank you for all you share with us! Hugs, Sylvia
Great candy and great blog. You do fabulous work. Glad I found your blog.
Hallo Claudia
wieder eine ganz tolle Karte, es stimmt wieder alles.
Du hast ja einen ganz tollen BlogCandy zu vergeben.
Leider kann ich nicht alles erfüllen. Abonniert habe ich Deinen Blog schon lange, aber da ich selber keinen Blog habe, kann ich Dich nicht verlinken. Aber ich besuche Dich trotzdem jeden Tag auf's neue und sehr gerne. es ist immer eine Freude Dein Kunstwerke zu bestaunen.
Und wenn niemad diesen Candy will, ich melde mich freiwillig!!
lg und Danke für Deine Inspiration
Hi Thanks for the opportunity of winning some Magnolia goodies, it would be my first Magnolia anything!! Loving your blog, have put you onto my blog as a fave......got my fingers crossed!!!!
What a great blog and blog candy you have. I have linked you on my page, because i love magnolia ;O)
I am always inspired by your beautiful work! How very nice for you to have your very own space to work in and create your art. You are lucky your husband is a crafts person and can alter and ad the things you need to your work space. I don't have a blog, but I subscribed to your site. I usually just use my bookmark! This way it will come direct. Thank you very much for sharing your talent!
I am already a subscribed to your fantastic blog, but I do not have my own blog. Hope I can still get at least this one entry into this wonderful giveaway.
I don't have any Magnolia Stamps but would love some I have posted on my blog (www.simplybeautifulcreations.blogspot.com) about you Fab. blog candy
Hi Claudia, congratulations on 170,000 hits, very well deserved.
I have met all the requirements to enter for your blog candy, which I just have to win, because I am not able to buy Magnolia stamps in Australia, and I so want one xx
I so enjoy your blog and think there is so much for each of us to learn here. Thanks for inspiring me.
I hope I win!
Sandy =)
Love the blog candy, Claudia! I get your posts each day through Google Reader and always look forward to them. :) Hope I win!! :)
Awesome blog candy! I love the table your husband made you! You are very lucky to have someone so talented to make you one, I work on a folding table!
170.000! Das ist eine große Zahl! Aber kein Wunder, bei den schönen Sachen, die Du zauberst! Ich schaue täglich hier vorbei, in meinen Links bist Du schon lange!
Auf die nächsten 170.000! ;)
Awesome blog candy!! And an awesome blog, too! I am not in the least bit surprised that you have achieved such a high number of visitors! Congratulations on that! :o)
I have subscribed to your blog, bt not sure Feedblitz is working properly today, as I haven't yet received my confirmation email. Server problems, maybe? Anyway, I have also added you to my Blogroll in capital letters to remind me to revisit you, often!
My bloglink to your candy is HERE
Hmm. My link was not working on that post.. Try this instead HERE
WOW! Awesome blog candy, fingers crossed!! I'm a subscriber, but unfortunately don't have a blog.
This is a great blog candy! I would soooo love to win this. Thank you for the chance.
Oh Claudia! You know that I want this candy!! I'll go and subscribe right now and I have you on my blogroll already. So I'll let other people know about your great candy (even if I wish I was the only one who knew).
Congratulations on your hits. Your cardmaking is amazing!
the book is beautiful and congrats on all the hits... love your blog and all those wonderful magnolia cards...
Einfach wunderschön...besuche deinen Blog immer wieder gerne...du hast so wunderbare Ideen,
natürlich verlinke ich deinen Blog gerne..
I put a blog post up about your candy today! This is delightful and I love your cards!
you can check it out here:
Gratuliere dir ganz herzlich zu so vielen Klicks, ist ja auch kein Wunder, dein Blog ist toll! Habe alle Bedingungen erfüllt und würde mich natürlich sehr freuen, das tolle Blog candy zu gewinnen... :-)
Your cards are gorgeous and I love your blog. I have left a link to this candy and added you to my blog roll. Thanks for offering such a wonderful candy!! Have a great day!!
Oops!! I forgot to put the link up so you can check it out!! Here it is: http://paperblessings-patsy.blogspot.com/
What GREAT blog candy! I would love to win...just to have that BEAUTIFUL image holder...and of course the stamp is darling!!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Hugs~ Kim
WOW! this is one of the nicest blog candy's ive seen. that book is adorable and the stamp and ribbon will be very well used too as well as all those images!
I will be keeping everything crossed to win this one.
i have followed all the rules and have linked with your blog and post on mine.
beautiful room. I am so happy for you. thanks for sharing. it gave me some great ideas when i get my room started. could you share more pics of it? thanks
ove it . I am a big fan and subscribe to you already
Can't wait to see your crafting nook...looks big to me! Love what you do with the Tilda stamps...very inspiring! Bless~
Thank you for the opportunity to win your "Blog Candy". Your work is always so detailed and lovely to look at! I am already subscribed to your blog, but have no blog of my own yet.
Congratulations on the 170,000 hits!
Keep doing what you do best, and we will keep enjoying!
Thanks again.
Hallo Claudia,
einen wunderschönen Blog hast Du. Schaue auch immer ab und an bei Dir vorbei.
Möchte auch mein Glück bei Deinem Blog Candy versuchen.
Habe Deinen Newsletter aboniert, einen Post bei mir geschrieben und verlinkt hatte ich Dich sowieso schon lange.
LG Irina
WOW this blog candy is amazing...I would SO love to win this! I have followed all your steps, you can view my blog here :-)
Wow! You really put a lot of effort into this blog candy! Very generous of you!
Your cards are amazing, and I am going to have to go through and read all the post I missed.
You can find my blog at:
Include me in your blog candy please! Im going to add your page right now. Your work is Awesome!
What a super prize!! Congrats on the hits! This is a super blog :)
I have linked you up and blogged about this site, so feel free to look!
Linked you right up, thanks for the opportunity for the great blog candy!
wow Claudia what fantastic candy, congrats on so many hits!
I'm gonna try again to add my blog,
but I will also put the address here, cause I've tried it a lot of times and it keeps giving me your blog on my link (don't ask me how I did that:P)
I did all the things I had to do:)
Hugs Anja
Be smart, make art.
(but I hope it works now)
Wunderschönes Blog Candy. Habs auf meinem Blog verlinkt: http://cyberangel-creativity.blogspot.com/
Liebe Grüße, Miriam
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 170'000 Hits *wahnsinn*
Dieses Candy ist einfach der oberhammer!
Habe dich schon lange bei mir verlinkt, denn ich liebe deine Werke!
Lg, Tanja
What a cute booklet!
Hmm, I need to figure out how to add a blogroll...
I just added you to my brand new blog and I subscribed to your blog, your work is great!
Love the blogg candy!!!love thise stamps.well done for your hits now hopefully in your way to 20,000
good luck judex
Gosh a lot of people want your candy Claudia, but I'm not surprised, it's great candy!! I already subscribe and I already have you as a link. I've put up a post on my blog too. Fingers crossed now :0)
Hi Claudia,
I don't have a blog but I am enjoying your blog and will add it to my favorite list.
Your work space looks pretty darn nice to me. Your husband is a sweetheart for putting together your stamping space.
Happy Belated Birthday.
I visit your blog nearly every day and I've tried to resist, but I can't pass up the chance to win this fabulous candy. I've left a link on my blog.
Wow! Congratulations on getting so many hits. This is amazing candy, thank you for the chance of winning it. I've left a comment/link on my blog and put you on my blog roll.
Jen x
This is really great blog candy - love the idea of a book of stamped images - how wonderful is that - and a stamp - wow!! Thanks for being so generous!!
Wow Claudia,
die Klicks der Wahnsinn, das Blog Candy ist traumhaft, Deine Karten sind zuckersüss und das Bastelzimmer *neidisch guck*
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu allem :o)
*grübel* hab ich alles erfüllt
Newsletter - JA
Blogroll - JA
Kommentare - JA
Ganz wichtig das daumendrücken für das Blog Candy nicht vergessen. LOL
Claudia, die Karte ist mal wieder ein Traum.
Die Farben, die Coloration .. PERFEKT!
Bin gespannt wie Dein Bastelzimmer aussehen wird, wenn es fertig ist.
Claudia, die Karte ist mal wieder ein Traum.
Die Farben, die Coloration .. PERFEKT!
Bin gespannt wie Dein Bastelzimmer aussehen wird, wenn es fertig ist.
your blog is wonderfull! love your work and the blog candy is amazing.
here is my blog :
thnk you - Danke!!!
What a great blog-candy!
I hope you can visit me on my blog!
I hope i win this candy!!!!
WOOOOOOOOOW !!! Congratulations !
This is the first time I read your blog...
I must say I really love read you and see all your amazing cards with beautiful Magnolia stamps.
I don`t have a blog, but I promise to continue read your blog :)
What a fabulous candy offering....I am as excited about your artwork as the other fabulous elements!! bx
wow what great candy I am already subscribed to our email and you have been linked on my blog for ages.I will put a link about your candy on my blog. Congratulations so many hits but no surprise. Sue :o)
wowza! great candy...
I linked you here
Spreading the Word
2nd time entering your drawing - I subscribed to updates. thanks!
Great blog and fantastic blog candy. I've subscribed and left a link on my blog too.
Gorgeous cand on offer Claudia I love all your creations I have Done everything you asked for so i would love to be entered into your candy draw please.
Wow what super blog candy. I've linked to your site and posted in my blog.
Sue x
I've seen your blog for the first time and I am happy I found it. A wonderful display of beautiful creations - Magnolia stamps are among the greatest and you're doing such a fine job with designing and using them. :)
I am very new to stamping and I'm trying to (very slowly) make a collection of stamps. DOn't have any Magnolia yet, so this awesome blog candy of yours sounds just perfect. ;-D
I spread the word about your site and candy in my blog - Here
Mada (from Romania)
Congrats on the blog hits. What a great milestone to celebrate. I have posted to my blog. Thanks so much for sharing.
I have already subscribed and left a post on my blog. Great candy: Yes please!
Hallo Claudia! Vielen Dank für dieses tolle Blog-Candy und Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu sooo vielen Besuchern! Aber es ist ja auch kein Wunder! ;o)) Ich habe Deinen Blog gleich mal mit meinem verlinkt, damit ich immer wieder bei Dir gucken kann! Liebe Grüße, Tanja
Thanks for the opportunity! I love your artwork!!!
Link posted to my blog http://amandajenks.blogspot.com
And I've subscribed... you It's Delicious Card is wonderful!
Linked ya buddy! And you know I am already a daily reader, and you are on my blog roll!
Congrats to your amount of hits for you wonderful blog!!!! WOW..... I'm a fairly new blogger! I've linked you up, subscribed to your blog too and added you to my blog link list too! Love the blog candy you have up for grabs! That is fabulous. Your craft room is going to be AWESOME!!!!! Love all the magnolia stamps you've posted....Hope you'll visit my blog too! Big hugs!
Congrats again on your 170,000 posts! that is a big WOW! Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy too.
Wow Claudia, this must be the greatest blog candy I ever saw! I fullfilled the first three points, so this is number 4. Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Hallo Claudia Deine Karten sind ja der absolute Traum. Ganz grosses Kompliment.
Leider kann ich kein Englisch, hoffe aber, dass ich trotzdem alles richtig gemacht habe.
Zur Sicherheit hier meine Adresse: http://stellina61.blogspot.com/
Ich liebe die Magnolias.
Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Congrats on all those hits, wow! your card are so delicious. Super candy, how sweet of you, thanks for a chance to win
lv gill x
Hi Claudia, I've followed the blog candy instructions and posted a link on my blog http://chrissiescreations.blogspot.com/
Oh wow, amazing blog candy.
You are already on my blog roll as a favourite. Your cards are beautiful.
You are so lucky to be getting a crafting nook, I am one of those who has to craft on the dining table and tidy away afterwards :-(
Hi Claudia,
What a great crafting room is there coming up for you....!!!
And what a beautiful candy, such a beautiful book!! I left a link on my blog.
Love and hugs,
Wow! There are a lot of entries for this blog candy. No wonder though, this is a GREAT prize! Here is a link to my blog with mention of your blog and contest: http://angiesaspiringart.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I really love your book!
Love your cards, love everything!
Here's the entry on my blog: http://jufluvs2scrap.blogspot.com/2008/07/blog-candy-pretty-pressings.html
Love your stamping space and your fantastic blog!! yummy candy too!! I'm subscribed, your on my blogroll and I posted your candy on my sidebar under blog candy:) thanks for the chance:)
Fabulous prize package!!! I've been eying the Magnolia stamps for some time but haven't had a chance to get any - RL rears its ugly head some times!!!!
Congrats on all your hits, Claudia!! What fabulous candy you're offering!! You do amazing things with the Magnolias! And I love your space!!
Thanks for offering such generous Blog Candy! And your cards so are beautiful!
I've linked you in my Blog!
Thanks again! Shannah :)
This blog candy is awesome dear. The images would be the most !!!
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