All wonderful supplies as paper cs and stamps (except the ribbon i used) was generously provided by Magnolia and can be purchased at Magnolia's online store. Some stickles is on the moon and the dragonflies.
Stamps: Magnolia new Goblin 2008 (Maertha, tree stump, mushrooms, snails, moon, dragonflies) the tall tree is from a previous collectionSentiment: Stampin up Level 1 Hostess benefits, grass by Art Impressions
Embellishments: Stampin up narrow poly twill old olive ribbon, Stickles
Tools: Word Window Punch, Glue Dots (fabulous stuff)
Coloring: Pebbles Shimmery Chalks (check them out they come in many colors), Stampin up re-inker bottles, Aquapainter, Prisma Color Pencils, Inkpads: Wild Wasabi, Old Olive, Artichoke
Some of you have asked me yesterday, why i did not post so much this week and if I am alright. I just wanted to let you know that we are okay now. Thank you for asking :-) We had a tough week with beeing sick. I do not have any family or support here in the US. So if my kids are sick and my husband is out of the country it is though and i do not have a lot of time for crafting. This card took believe it or not more than 2.5 hours to make. :-) am i slow or what??? hehehehe
It looks great, so the 2,5 hours were worth it!
Your coloring is great again!
That's a honour to be asked for something like that! Congratulations!
~ Leonie ~
This is just gorgeous !!!!!!! You can take any stamp and make a scene out of it that is for sure. Beautiful work and coloring my dear.
Das ist eine unglaublich großartige Karte Claudia. Also die 2,5 Stunden haben sich voll ausgezahlt!! Langsam finde ich sogar gefallen an den Goblins, du machst sie mir noch richtig schmackhaft. Mit deinem Geschick schauen sogar die nobel und niedlich aus :)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch nochmal zu deiner neuen Aufgabe bei dem US store. Da haben die aber riesen Schwein gehabt, dass sie dich bekommen haben!! :)
Ich bin auch sehr froh, dass es euch wieder etwas besser geht.
glg Katharina
Hope the kids are better this week! Your card is beautiful, as always!
I have had many sit there and get a moment here and a moment there and take a day or two to finish. I don't yet have any of these goblins.... I think they will have to be on my next list!
Beautiful card Claudia
Wonderful cards. Allways fun to look at your blogg. Here is my contribution to the challenge. Don't know if my last message came through.
Wonderful job on this card Claudia...now we just need a store to carry Magnolias in Canada..I know there is one in Ontario, but I am in Alberta!!! Glad to hear that everyone is feeling better!! Hope you have a super week!!
J'adore ton blog, il est vraiment magnifique. Bises et à bientôt.
oh claudia, deine karte ist ja wieder so lieb, so viele details, man kann ja garnicht alles auf einem blick erkenne, einfach nur superschön.
schön, dass das mit dem shop geklappt hat.
ich wünsch dir einen schönen sonntag, süsse,
bussi, bea
J'adore ton blog, il est vraiment magnifique!!!!Bises et à bientôt.
Great news Claudia, I bet you were so exited when they asked you to do a tutorial. This is such a beautiful scene and such allot of hardwork gone into all the detail. Sorry to hear that your boys are still unwell. I hope they are better soon. Hugs, Nikki x
Woooooooooow die ist echt toll. Was für eine wunderschöne Karte. Klasse wie immer meine liebe Claudi.
die Trolle sind so Klasse, sie gefallen mir auch immer besser. Einfach Traumhaft umgesetzt.......die Schnecken sind einfach nur süssssssss
Yet another winner Claudia!your colouring is just perfect.
The scene is great too. :)
I do hope everyone is feeling a lot better now!
Wow! Gorgeous card Claudi I love the scene you have created, I like the little snails they are cute.
Erst einmal bin ich mehr als froh zu hören, dass bei Euch wieder alles ok ist... Danke für die Info, meine Liebe... Und was Deine Karte angeht: ist die genial oder was ?!? Die zweieinhalb Stunden waren es mehr als wert, ist die schööööön... Und es stimmt, im Wald sehen die niedlichen Wesen wirklich klasse aus - halt "zuhause"... Übrigens: Herzlichen Glückwunsch für das Angebot des Workshops - daran siehst Du wie bekannt und geschätzt Du bist... ;o)
Wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben eine ruhigere Woche als die letzte - fühl Dich mal gedrückt, ok ?!?
Hi C, it may have taken 2 n half hours, but worth every second! I don't believe such a card could be made quickly, there is so much detail in it and of course the beautiful colouring! I think that the advice has led you to a fabulous card - this scene is amazing!
Congratulations on teaching the scene's - I know that if I was in your area I would certainly be in your classes! Thank you for continuing to share online with us! bx
Hope you are all feeling well again soon. I wouldn't say you are slow, I would say you give great attention to detail. This is wonderfully colored and put together, AWESOME scene!
Love this Martha card, she looks so sweet sitting on the tree stump. Fabulous scene! Hope all your family are well this week!
Your card is wonderful and your coloring is fantastic, love the scene you created. Congratulations
"Well I agree those two hours were worth every second " cos your card shows all the hard work and effert Claudia...from start to finish it`s beautiful:)
Glad you are all well:)x
Did I miss what store is going to carry Magnolias!!!
Oooh wow Claudia, was ist das denn für eine zuckersüße Karte?!! Die hast du so wunderschön gemacht. Toll wie du die ganzen Details immer mit einarbeitest :) Ich bin begeistert ...
It's a beautiful card!
What an Awesome card!!..love your coloring and the great scene!!..and Congratulations!! you will be even busier now...but they are sure lucky to have you to demonstrate!!
your card is wonderful! I love the goblin girl sitting in the woods under the moonlight! glad to here you are feeling a little better and sending cyber hugs. annie x
Wauw this one is so lovely, i like them very much.Great work
greetings agnes
SO AWESOME!!!!! I love your scene card - you have a lot of great elements in it!!!! LOVE THIS!!!!
What awesome news!!! Your going to have to let me know when they start delivering!!!
Another beautiful card! I am so envious of your ability to put a scene together!! Its beautiful!
I hope your household is feeling better!!!!
Hi Claudia, erst einmal herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem tollen Job!!! Und schön zu hören, dass es euch besser geht.
Ja was soll ich zu dieser Karte noch sagen : ZAUBERHAFT !!! Ganz genau mein Geschmack !!! Da sieht die Kleine doch allerliebst aus, gar nicht so böse. Sie gehört halt in diese "Gegend". Da ich ein Schnecken-Fan bin, finde ich diese super passend dazu.
Deine Arbeit brauche ich ja nicht zu kommentieren - perfekt wie immer.
Ich freue mich schon auf weitere Arbeiten von dir.
This is so fantastic - you make wonderful cards. Love it!
This is gorgeous Claudia! Your work is beautiful. Glad to hear you're starting to feel better :)
This is gorgeous.
Super!!! Love this card.
Claudia, I have tried to make a "Double Pocket Card" and have posted it in my blog. I'm so sorry that I forgot to ask you first, but I have put a link to you and to the tutorial, so that everyone who visits me, can find the genious behind this way of making a card. I really hope that is okay.
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