thank you for your response to the Double Pocket Card tutorial. I got so many nice comments here on my blog and via email. Some of the questions were if i would give permission to have my tutorial and my pictures been posted elsewere. This is the rightway to ask me first. Please do not copy anything off my blog without my permission.
Since not many cards were linked on my thread I thought i show you the cards in a post rather than a slide show. Make sure you visit each persons blog on the provided direct link so you can see all the pictures taken from the card.
Here is my friend and Magnolia Design Team mate Bea's card

Jenny made 2 fabulous cards. Thanks Jenny... this shows me you really enjoyed this style card as much as i do :-) Here is her bright and colorful pocket:
Wunderschöne Karten sind da nach Deinem Sketch entstanden - meine ist noch in Arbeit - es soll eine Kommunionskarte werden und da fehlt mir noch das ein oder andere Detail zu... ;o)
Meine Liebe, mach ruhig mehr von solchen Tutorials, Du erklärst das so professionell, selbst ein Schusselchen wie ich verstehe das... ;o)
Lieben Dank für die Mühe, die Du Dir mit Deinem Blog gibst *bussi*
Hey Claudia, great cards, they all turned out so nice...I will have to play along next time...just ran out of time for this one:-)
mensch claudia, da sind ja echt starke karten dabei, richtig super genial ... schön, dass du meine auf deinem blog gepostet hast. diese kartenidee ist schon echt super!!!
ich wünsch dir einen schönen tag und wochenbeginn, süsse!!!
Hi Claudia,
das sind ja alles tolle Karten. Gerne hätte ich auch so eine gemacht, aber leider habe ich nicht dieses Falzbrett ....
Du hast einen Award gewonnen, schau doch mal auf meinen Blog :))
Liebe Grüße
The colours you choose are just brilliant! I love all your cards!
Every one is a winner!!!
Wonderful variety.
meine liebe claudia, auch von mir hast du einen award bekommen ;o)
They are all beautiful!!
~ Leonie ~
These are all Beautiful!! everyone of them is Fabulous!!
Hi Claudia, your cards are all so beautiful, you are very very talented and so creative. Thanks for tips on blog banner, hope to get card making this week :) xx
Wow what a gorgeous selection of cards.
Claudia, thank you so much for sharing this way of making cards! I really find them wonderful! I have to try it out very soon...
Hugs from Hanne:)
they are all fantastic, I wish I had time to make one, I was so short of time last week preparing for our little break. I am sure I will try it sometime soon though!
Love them all - your coloring is so wonderful.
Hello Claudia,
I have make a double pocket card you can see the card on my blog.Thanks for this great card.
Greetings Agnes
das sind alles aber wunderschöne kartenwerke -bin echt begeistert...
ich bin ja nun nicht so der Magnoliafan, aber du setzt deine Karten immer so fabelhaft in Szene - toll!
Schau mal auf meinem Blog, da hab ich was für dich!
LG, Heike
Hi Claudia, I have tried to make a Double Pocket Card, and then I posted it in my blog without asking you first. I'm so sorry that I forgot to do that, but I do have told everybody who has made this, and also put a link to both you and your tutorial. I hope this is ok, and I hope I'll be forgiven.
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