Now, on to my Blog Candy!! I think i have figured Linky out :-) I am so appreciative of the people who stop by daily and leave me comments, so many of the names are familiar and I consider you friends. I am more thankful than you can ever know for all of my vistiors, especially for those of you who comment. I can not even tell you how poor i feel not beeing able at the last weeks to visit you and give you all the compliments back you deserve for your artwork. I miss it. It just seams there is always "something" in my life. Last week i was down with a fever and than my husband was with the boys in a car accident. Life is not easy with out any family around. I have never talked about it on my blog but some of you also know that my little son has "special needs" where i just need to take him to therapy ect.
So again, for your warm patronage I am offering a little Blog Candy. Here’s what I ask - please add your name into my linky (if you do not have a own blog.. no problem you can use Pretty Pressings URL or your SCS gallerie URL). Feel free to enter on this post every day only once until I pick a winner. When will that be? Dunno, I always like for that to be a surprise. Plus life is very hectic right now so I’m not sure when I’ll have the car back to bring the candy to the mail office. Just keep checking back with me - I’ll announce the winner and the winner has 48 hours to contact me to claim their prize before I draw another name. Oh yes, in addition to the items you see , I’m giving away the pink "Joy" Hanglar card (posted today). Thanks for stopping by to see me today, I know that I am blessed beyond measure. As always this candy is open for everbody.. blogger, non blogger, international, female and male lol.
If you have time to spread the word about my candy on your own blog i would be very grateful for that.
take care

1 – 200 of 270 Newer› Newest»Wow another blog candy, I hope that all will quickly settle back to 'normal' for you.
What lovely person you are sharing this candy. I love visiting your blog as you are such a talented lady with your colouring and putting the beautiful details on your cards. Wishing you and your family well...sounds like you have had some hard times.
have linked your candy in my sidebar, and i hope the dust settles in your neck of the woods soon. sounds like things have been rough. take it easy, and find solace in your craft room.
Claudia, It sounds like you are really having a difficult time right now, I hope things are better for all of your family soon!! I am also a mum of a little boy with special needs , I know just how tough that can be for a family, you are truly a special person!! Your candy looks awesome!!
Take care, BIG hug Angela x
Hi Claudia.
Sorry to hear that things haven't been so good for you lately. Hope your husband & boys are okay.
I'm thinking of you.
Take care.
Awesome candy!!!!
Thanks for the Big chance to win...
You are so generous Claudia, I always love your creations. have a lovely day!
Claudia, I am so sorry to hear about all your troubles this past week. May the Lord's blessings be with you and your family at this time. Thank you for the chance for some blog candy. I am loving your postings. Your work is really inspiring.
Ich hoffe, den Kindern und deinem Mann geht es gut Claudia.
Dein Candy habe ich in meiner Sidebar verlinkt.
Lass dich umarmen und knuddeln...
Ganz liebe Grüße
Oh Claudia, you know how I feel about you worries about leaving me any comments...I just enjoy looking at your fabulous designs every day!! I'm sorry to hear of your problems and PLEASE know that I'm thinking of you friend!! Blessings and hugs to you!!
Oh Claudia, so sorry to hear about your troubles, things are sure hectic for grown-ups, aren't they... I hope you are feeling better and that your boys, all of them, are okay :(
Okay, now to get you linked in my sidebar, thanks for offering such a wonderful bundle, I would love to be the lucky lady to win :)
Super candy, I love Magnolia stamps
Claudia, Sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling very well. I hope that you are feeling better. And, I hope that your husband and boys are okay after the car accident and that your car will be repaired soon. I know it must be hard not having a car. I have to tell you that it's a pleasure to have your blog to come to everyday. It's one of my favorites. Your cards brighten my day. Thank you for always inspiring me!!
Hugs, Suzan
hi, thanks for the change to win. your creations are fantastic!!! ^___^ bye
Thank you Claudia for the blog candy and especially for the ispiring works that you do!
Hi Claudia.
Sorry to hear that things haven't been so good for you. Hope your husband & boys are okay. You must've had a terrible shock.
Thanks for taking the time to offer your candy, I'm sure there are more pressing things to deal with just now.
Anne x
I just wanted to say that you are such an inspiration! I just adore your creations!!
Claudia I am thrilled to be entered in this spectacular candy drawing.I am enthalled with Magnolia stamps and would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have some.I love coming to your site just to see what is happening in your life. Hope everyone is recouping from the accident, how tramatic it must have been for the boys. I will keep your family in my thoughts & prayers.
Oh Claudia, I'm so sorry for all that you're going through now. I hope your husband and boys are getting better. With all that's going on with your family, you're amazing to even think about giving out candy. Please take care.
Hi claudia
Thanks for the fantastic candy. I hope things even out for you soon. Hugs Nettie.xx
Just wanted to let you know it is a pleasure to come to your beautiful blog and see your creations! You are an inspiration to me everytime I come. I hope things get much better for you soon.
Hi Claudia, I visit your beautiful blog everyday! Your creations are just stunning and I get so much inspiration from your cards and projects. I love the way that you make those little card and gift sets!
Hugs! Erin
hello claudia,, found a nice candy at ur blog,, but was sad to know abt ur life disturbance, may it will be better soon, i have added ur candy at my blog side bar,,
take care be happy
Hallo Claudia, ich hoffe und wünsche, das es Euch allen gut geht, ein Auto ist ersetzbar.
Ich hab Dich auf meiner Seite verlinkt, bei diesem schönen Candy muss man einfach sein Glück versuchen.
Ganz liebe Grüße aus Leipzig
Aww Claudia hun, don't you worry about anything, your family always comes first. I hope your hubby and boys are ok after their car accident, you must have got an awful shock. I'm sure everyone of your followers and friends understand that sometimes life gets in the way of cardmaking. Hugs Dawn Marie.xx
wow great blog candy love candddyyyy hanks for the chance to win
Thank you Claudia for the chance to win. I love visiting your blog because the thing is create are an inspiration! I hope things turn better for you :) stay strong!
you are very generous, this is a fabulous blog candy you offer :)
Oh Claudia, so sorry to hear of the car accident your family was involved in. There's always something going on in our lives isn't there!! Thank you so much for your generosity in offering this sweet candy!
Big hugs,
Danielle x
So sorry to hear that things aren't going as well as they could be. I love your blog, it is so inspiring...Thank you for the good cheer you spread to others. Linda
Thanks for a chance to win this yummy candy! I added the link in my sidebar.
Hugs, Vanja
I can't even begin to know how you feel.. But I do know that being a Mom is one of the hardest, scariest and most wonderful gifts from GOD. And because of that we hold ourselves together for everyone else..Hopefully things will start to get back to normal..
Claudia, I love your blog and all the awesome gifts you make. I Absolutely love them All...
Yummy blog candy- you are so generous! I hope things get less hectic for you.
Hugs and Blessings,
I know it was tough especially on my Mom and when parents immigrated from Germany - it's not easy without having family around to help you out. Glad that the boys and your husband are okay and hope you are feeling well. Don't over do it! Your card is the best part of the blog candy, believe me!! :)
Hi Claudia
May things be just clam and smooth for you and may you find some "me time to relax"
thanks for the chance at your candy
I'll add a link 4 you
hugs Nikki
I am so sorry to hear about the accident and you not feeling well. I pray things will get better for you and all will be more serene. You are so sweet to be giving out candy to everyone in your time of need! You are so sweet! Hugs, Laurel
Claudia thanks for the sweet offer ! I really enjoy your blog and your talent with copics ! Sending prayers your way for you family and you. Hugs
Hi Claudia, sorry to hear about all the pitfalls of life. Just when you think things might be normal something comes along to throw in a curve. I also have a special needs child but she can be such a joy at times. Card-making is great therapy for me. Hang in there. You are so talented and I so admire your work! Wouldn't miss a day of your blog. Take care and thanks for the chance to win.
so sorry to hear about the life events - hopefully all will turn around soon. Glad you are back on your feet!
Take care and thanks for spreading so much joy! Your cards always make me feel warm inside and bring a smile to my face.
Take care and hang in there!
Claudia, I can say "I know how you feel". I too had a child with special needs and was told he'd die before his forth birthday. I had a little talk with God when he was 1 month old and God blessed my child. He will bless yours too. Mine is now 24 years old and the doctors really have no idea what to think...I do. PRAISE GOD!!! I too had no family close to help and I was a single parent from the time he was 9 months old. I did have a church family who was faithful to pray for me and still does. Life can be so overwhelming at times but God will make a way.
I really didn't mean to go on so but I want you to know I read every post, I have you on google reader. I find alot of inspiration from your work. I am new to copics and am trying to find some good stamps to practice with. I have memento ink and stampin up paper but I am looking for prism paper.I am collecting copics , just ordered 25 this week. Wish me luck...
Any advice is certainly welcome .
I am hoping to be your lucky winner, thanks for such a wonderful giveaway, ms.cheryl
Bless your heart. You have a lot on your plate. You are an amazing woman. I love your blog and your cards are to die for. May your family be well, your car back in your possession soon, and life back to some normalcy in the near future. I have no 2-legged children of my own, just the 4 legged variety (schnauzers), but I do work with special needs children at our local hospital. You moms are amazing people. Stay strong and hugs coming your way!!!
Claudia, I hope that you are feeling better this week and that things will get easier for you. I pray that your husband and son are ok and the car will get fixed for you. Please know that you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there and keep reading your messages...they will make you feel better :)
Thanks for being such an amazing inspiration with your beautiful creations, and many thanks for the chance to win some lovely candy!
I will post the pictures on my sidebar for you!
Sending big hugs your way!
Take care,
Hallo Claudia,
ich hoffe und wünsche, das es Euch allen gut geht, ein Auto ist ersetzbar.
Ich hab Dich auf meiner Seite verlinkt, bei diesem schönen Candy muss man einfach sein Glück versuchen. Vielen Dank für die Chance dieses zu gewinnen!
Hi Claudia,
May you and your family be on the road to recovery!!
I'm already a follower because I so enjoy your beautiful creations and look forward to seeing what is next. I've posted a link to your extremely generous candy on my sidebar. If you find a moment, I'd love to have you visit my site.
What wonderful blog candy and so generous of you to give Magnolia stamps---my very favorite. I try to check you blog almost everyday. You are so productive and inspirational. I hope and pray all goes well for your family. Sandy Andersen
Hi Claudia, so sorry you are having a stressful time right now. I can totally relate how it is with no family around, as I am in the same boat.
I hope your husband and kids are doing fine, and that you get your car back soon.
Hope you'll find some time to relax very soon!
Liebe Gruesse,
Hi Claudia
Sorry about your family car accident. I hope no one's hurt!
You have a super blog candy. I don't have a blog but I'm a follower. Thanks for giving us a chance to win!
Dear Claudia, sorry to hear that you've been having a trying time lately. Hope things get better for you. Not too worry about leaving comments, sometimes it can't be helped. Taking care of your family is more important.
And also take care of yourself!
Great blog candy Claudia! I'm sorry to hear about your family... i wish you all very well! life gives us obstacles and it makes us a better person! that is why you are the person you are! thank you for sharing with us life's situations, just remember we are all here for you, near or far... big hugs, Kris
Liebe Claudia
das ist jetzt eine schwere Zeit für dich! Wünsche deinem Mann und deinen Kindern alles Gute und dir ganz viel Kraft!
Es ist bewunderswert, dass du jetzt mit dem Candy an deine Freunde und Leser denkst. Aber deine Arbeit und der Blog lenken dich auch von deinen Sorgen ab.
Knuddel dich mal ganz dolle aus der Ferne!
Dein Candy habe ich in meiner Sidebar verlinkt!
Good luck to who ever win!
Ganz liebe Grüße
What a lovely and yummi blog candy you have made, and the beautyfull card you made for give away! Wow, I would love to have a card from you... I am a big fan of your coloring and the lovely colours you use.
You have been on by blog list on my blog for a long time:0)
Biiig hug!
What fabulous blog candy, thanks for a chance to win. My prayers are with you and your family.
Karen A
Hallo Claudia!
wie süß von dir, dass du diesen Candy schon wieder verschenkst :)
Ich hoffe, es geht dir und deiner Familie bald wieder gut!
Viele Grüße
wauw what a great candy you offer and I think in evythinfg I read and your comment you are a very warm person and I think just like me that the bloggers are our friends and familie. i hope you and your family will fell better soon and your car is repared.
sweet hugs Annemarie
Dear Claudia,
hope life will treat you better the next time - feel so sorry to hear about all these things happening to you.
Love to visit your blog and really wanna thank you for the opportunity to win some nice things.
Hugs from Austria
What fantastic Blog Candy Claudia, so generous! And you make such wonderful things. I haven't done a lot fo Magnolia cards yet, but your cards are very inspiring.
kind regards
Wow, what a great candy :)
Thanks for the chance to win :)
I put your candy on my blog's sidebar.
Another blog candy? Wow, Claudia, I am sure no one will resist that.
I think your idea of creations are well worth for people to come by daily to get inspirations!
Sorry to hear you have been through so much lately.Hope everything will work out for better.I love visiting your blog and see your beautiful cards.
I know how hard it is to be alone without your family.
sending you hugs,
Wow, that's a GREAT blogcandy ! Thank you so much for offering.
I hope things will settle down for you soon. Must be hard without your family near.....
Hugs Monique
What wonderful candy...pick me...pick me!!!
What's a candy!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hi Claudia,I have missed your comments but know that at the same time my life has been hectic and I seem to "look and run".I'm so sorry to hear about your husband and sons and hope that they will be well again soon.Now that I realize the pressures you have on a daily basis I am even more amazed at the masterpieces you manage to create every day.Love and best wishes from Ruth x
Hi Claudia.
Wow, what a great candy :)
Thanks for the chance to win.
I've linked your candy on my blog. sidebar.
I love your blog and all the awesome gifts you make. I hope you and your family will fell better soon.
Hugs Fifi.
Hallo Claudia,
ersteinmal hoffe ich, dass es deinen 3 Männern gut geht und es ist nichts schlimmes passiert ist!
Das Candy ist klasse, habe es gleich bei mir geposted.
LG Andrea
I love your creations
All the best to you and your family!
Hallo Claudia!
Laß Dich mal ganz fest drücken !!!
Ich hoffe es geht allen gut.
Du weißt ja wenn Du jemanden brauchst ....
Habe Dich auf meiner Seite jetzt verlinkt wegen dem Candy.
Wäre für mich die Erfüllung eines Traumes einmal eine Karte von Dir in Händen halten zu können.
Ich umarme Euch nochmal alle und wünsche Euch viiiiieeeeel Gesundheit.
Liebe Grüße
Hi Claudia,
I visit your blog regularly and just LOVE all your artwork - you never fail to inspire.
Hope all returns to normal for you soon.
Kay x
Thanks for offering this lovely candy Claudia. Sorry to hear that life is throwing you a few curve balls at the moment. These things are sent to test us! I also wanted to Thank you for providing me {and I'm sure many others out in blogland} with so much inspiration. Your talent is amazing and I am so thankful that you share it with us!
Take care my friend!
Hugs, Vicky ~x~
thanks for the chance !!!
ypur blog candy is marvelous !!!
and i love your beautiful....
i am your FAN !!!!
have a good day !
LOADS of LUCK with all thats happening with you. Love you designs. Thanks for sharing .
Dear Claudia.
I have only recently discovered your blog and I absolutely love your designs and your colouring. Pls show me how you colour your backgrounds so beautifully. I am sorry to hear that things are not that great for you at the moment but you sound as a strong woman so you will fight your way back. It must not be easy to have your family so far away. But when you need it give them an extra call or if possible set up a webcam connection with them so you can talk and see them and they can see you and your kids and chit chat about things. I'll be thinking of you.
Hi Claudia,
Great candy, I've put a link on my blog. Thanks for a chance to win. Hope things improve for you soon.
Happy crafting
Tracy x
Hi Claudia,
Oh my, hope you are feeling better and that your husband and kids are ok! How terrible! Hopefully everything will be back to normal for you soon.
Thanks for the chance to win and I go ahead now and link your candy in my sidebar!
Ich drueck Dich mal ganz fest und hoffentlich wird alles schnell wieder gut!!!!!!
Claudia, I hope things settle down for you soon. Thank you so much for the chance to win your beautiful blog candy! Take care!
Hi, Claudia. I hope you're feeling much better now and your hubby and boys are all okay. What a week you've had!! I'm a mum to two boys with Special Needs (autism), so I know how trying it can all be. I'm sure you'll have a better week than the last one. Thanks so much for offering this wonderful candy, too.x :)
Claudia- I am sorry to hear about your husband and boys.... geesh just what you needed. I will send you an email, need to catch up on a few things girl!
Thank you for all the great inspiration. I will keep your family in my prayers during this difficult time. Thank you also for continuing with your blog even admid these circumstances. God bless!
Hi Claudia, i am sorry to hear about your husband and boys being involved in a car accident,it must have scared the wits out of you,I hope they are okay.
Live is just hectic sometimes and we can't always leave comments we want on all the blogs everytime,thats just life and don't feel guilty about it Claudia.
It must be hard to have a son who has special needs,but I am sure you love him just as much as I love my daughter.
If I can cheer up ypur boys with sending them a card from holland,please let me know and contact me and give me their names,address and likes.
And thanks for offering this lovely blogcandy and the chance to win this!
I've put a link on my blog: Stempelientje and keep my fingers crossed!
Greetings from Stempelientje.
Thanks for a chance to win some great blog candy. I hope things in your life gets better.
Your blog is my daily fix. One day I want to be able to make cards like you do.
Thank you for the candy.
I'm so sorry to hear of the accident. I hope everyone is okay. Your card is adorable and this blog candy is so generous. I love the Magnolia images and would be thrilled to win!
Claudia, so sorry to hear about the car accident. I hope everyone is ok. Thanks for a chance to win your blog candy!
I know what you mean about not having family around!! I'm in Kuwait right now so even the littlest thing is magnified. And when I get's to a NEW home - my husband PCS'd while I was gone - away from my mom, sister, and grandparents. :-( I'm excited for the new adventure...but I know I'll miss being able to see them whenever I want!
Waw I would love to win your candy, but I think I am not so very lucky at the moment! But still will try! Hope you all are ok! Hugs,moni
Hello Claudia! Thanks for the chance of this blog candy. I have linked it in my sidebar. have a nice day. lg renate
Thanks for posting another wonderful blog candy... So sorry to hear about your hubby with the accident. Hope things will all be well with you and slow down too!
Sending bigggg hugs for you and your family. Hang in there sweetie...
So wonderful to have a chance to win some blog candy. But seriously would love to win one of your creations!!!
I have added this to my blog.
So sorry to hear your life is has hit a couple of speed bumps...Hope it gets back on track soon...your cards are great...thanks for giving me a chance to win your blog candy...
Claudia, thanks for the chance to win your awesome blog candy. thanks also for sharing your troubles. Life is sometimes difficult but God is always with us over the bumps in the road. I read your blog all the time but do not always add a comment as I am computer challenged and alway have problems.
Blessings to your whole family
Phyllis Z
Wow, I know how likfe can sure throw you curve balls...I have had to catch a few of them myself. Hope things settle down againfor yoU! Inky Hugs!
So sorry to hear about what happened to your husband and kiddos. I sure hope they will recovery quickly and you will be blessed with strength to take care of your little one.
Thanks for the chance at this candy, xox ~Jeni
Hello Miss Claudia, I hope things are looking up.. I know all about life happening but with the sunshine of friends like you to brighten our day cant help but keep coming back for mor e=)
gorgeous work! and love you girl hug kiddos!
Winxyescapes... you are on my blog =)
You have such a delicate touch! I like that you do more than cards. You inspire me.And the blog candy ain't too shabby either! LOL!
Sharon L
How generous your blog "candy" is. Love the chance to win! You have beautiful creations and I love to see what you will do each day. Best of luck for many bright days ahead.
I visit your Blog nearly every kann ich ja auch auf deutsch schreiben nicht? ;)...ich finde deine karten sooo toll und warte shcon jeden Tag aufs Neue was du diesmal zu zeigen hast!
Ich versuch mal wieder mein Glück heute bei deinem tollen Candy!
Hope life becomes a little less stressful ! Beautiful cards for inspiration and awesome blog candy ! I will be stopping by daily now that I have found you !
Sorry to hear about all your troubles. hope that all will be ok very soon!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
I love visiting your blog!
I am sorry to hear all that has happened to you lately. I hope life starts looking up for you very soon. Love the blog candy... very generous.
Hope you have a great day!!
Hi Claudia! My friend...I'm so sorry that life has become so stressful for you these past few weeks. I certainly do understand what it is like with no family around. I heard you there, girl. Your cards are so awesome, (my hero) and you have offered such generous blog candy. I always check you blog though don't always have the time to leave a comment, but I try...grin! I hope things start to pick up for you very soon...hugs...Barb
sending you love from MN. Today is my first visit on your blog and your work is amazing. Thanks for the chance to win. My friend Sandy told me to check out your beautiful blog. Take care now.
Dear Claudia,
Sorry to hear about your troubles but it will all get better :). I understand about not having family around - i am danish but live in the UK. It's not always easy when you don't have their support close. But I am sure they give you lond-distance support just like my family and it makes everything a little easier.
I visit your blog on a daily basis as I love your creations. They are a true inspiration -i don't always leave a comment lol. Thought you might get bored. Thank you for your kind candy offer at this stressful time
Hugs, Mette
Hey Claudia!
All the best to you and espacially to your family. Hope, everything gets well soon.
Hugs, Kiki
Wonderful blog candy! How thoughtful of you do do for your blog readers when you have had such a bad time of it lately. Thanks!
Wonderful blog candy! How thoughtful of you do do for your blog readers when you have had such a bad time of it lately. Thanks!
Just to let you know it is a pleasure to visit your beautiful blog and see your creations! You are a very talented lady, you will be in my prayers, everything will be much better tomorrow...
I visit your blog everyday, but this's my firs comment. Thank you for your art.
Claudia G.
Dear Claudia, I am sorry to hear you have been ill and about the card accident your boys had been involved it. I pray you all are doing better. I know it seems that when one thing happens everything goes wrong. Hang tough girl. Lifting you and your family up in prayer.
Wow, great candy. I linked it in my sidebar. Thanks for a chance.
Hello Claudia, SOrry you are having a rough time right now. I hope you get back to the normal at your house soon. Wonderful candy sweetie
hugs, janny
I am sorry to hear about your problems - I know you have many long distance friends wishing you well. I love your blog and thanks so much for offering the wonderful candy.
I just found your blog for the first time today. Wow! Your cards are beyond beautful. I love the way you work with color and pattern. You are a mster! I'll be back often.
Beautiful cards and a beautiful person at heart who is always kind enough to give things away. Thanks Claudia!
I am sorry to hear about your problems I hope everyone is okay
have linked your candy in my sidebar,
Wow, what lovely candy! I'm not lucky in winning blog candies, but I try my luck nevertheless. Who knows... I just linked you in my blog and got a follower.
Love from Karina
What a great candy. Thank you for the chance to win. I don't have my own blog, but every day I look at your beautiful blog en enjoy all the gorgeous things you make!! Keep going on!!
Hello Claudia - I am so sorry to hear about your DH and sons - I hope that you are all okay!! Thank you for the opportunity to play for this YUMBLY Candy - I have linked it to my Blog:
and would love you to visit sometime!! Thanks again! God bless you!
Dear Claudia!
Thanks for giving the chance to win this wonderful BlogCandy!
The best wishes from me to you and your family! I hope your husband and your childs are not badly injured.
Hugs, Tina
great candy claudia thanks for the chance to win, hugs christa
I just found your blog a week ago, I love your work.. Your choice of colors is amazing.
what a sweet treat for blog candy.
Great candy. I love that Hanglar card. I am such a fan of there's and I love the scrolls you used off of the tags. Great Idea.
Love it! the colors are awesome claudia hope you and the kiddos and hubby are doing great and feel better! *hugs*
Even when you are having a hard time, you're offering blog candy! You are amazing. Hope everything starts to fall in place for you soon.
Hi Claudia. I'm sorry about the hectic times hope everything gets better for you. Thanks for the great chance to win. I added your giveaway to the sidebar on my blog.
WOWWOWWOW!!! I just love those colours and stamps!
Hoping everything nice to you,
is beautiful !!! thanks for chance !!1kiss kiss. Patty
Hallo Claudia,
i like this candy very well!
Thx for the chance to win this wonderfull things!
I`m your follower an i linked this candy on my sidebar!
Hugs, Angi
Thanks for a chance to win!
Hi Claudia,
thanks for giving the chance to win that fabulous candy......I linked you on my sidebar.....wish you a nice weekend
xxx Margreet
Great candy! Thanks for a chance to win! I`m your follower an i linked this candy on my sidebar.
Awesome candy!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hallo Claudia,
schön, dass Du mit Deinem Blog die Anerkennung findest, die Deine Karten verdienen!
Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie baldige Genesung, es kommt immer alles zusammen...
Ein sehr schönes Candy hast Du zusammengestellt!
Hello Claudia...
I'm sorry to hear about your husband and boys..I hope that you and your family are ok now...
I linked your candy on my sidebar...I really hope to win all the things that you offer, but I really would love to win one of your fantastic cards....crossed fingers!!!
I love your candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I've linked your blog here:
Big hugs from Montreal!
hello claudia again, ihv adready added ur candy at me sidebar of my blog here,
love the candy i wish i win,, hehe
WOW! What a great blog candy Claudia!
I love your work and think that you are very talented!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Beautiful Candy. Thank you so much for giving us a chance to win. ;)
I hope that everyone is doing much better. It sounds like things have been really rough at your home lately. Just hang in there. Thanks for the chance at your candy.
Cute stamps ands and cards has a linke to your site. Since opening of there website i visite everey day to see your new cards. And your are not the onely one with problems, take care for youself and your famelie. You now, after rain comes soneshine. (sorry for my bad english)
Have a nice day,
Cute stamps ands and cards has a linke to your site. Since opening of there website i visite everey day to see your new cards. And your are not the onely one with problems, take care for youself and your famelie. You now, after rain comes soneshine. (sorry for my bad english)
Have a nice day,
what a nice candy.
10X for the chance to win. it's so nice of you.
Wow claudia another fab candy give away - you are soo generous, thank you for the chance to win.
You have ione of the most inspiring blogs out there and I love your tutorials and coming to visit.
Take of yourself and I hope your family are all as fighting fit as they can be soon.
Beccy x
What a lovely candy you have!
I'd like to win it! ;)
Hi Claudia, das liest sich ja nicht gut. Ich hoffe, dir geht es besser und deinen Männern auch!
Ein tolles Blog Candy bietest du hier an, da versuch ich auch mal mein Glück!
Also nochmals alles Gute!
Lieben Gruß
Such great candy, thanks for the chance to win and as always for the inspiration I can always find on your blog! Hope things begin to settle down for you and your family!
Lovely blog candy. Perfect for those adorable Tildas. I'm glad to have you back. It is always a treat visiting your blog.
Sharon L
great candy and great blog
take care
my prayers to you and your family during these unsettled times. thank you for the opportunity to receive this blog candy
awesome today too! love it all .. want to come stamp with you! lol
tnx for the candy
hope your days will be better and more relaxed
Claudia......I love your blog and artwork, and many blessings and safe keeping's to you and your family. I hope your husband and children are all okay.
Is it rude to say, "I'd really like to have your candy"?
I don't have any Magnolia stamps yet, and I think she is soooooo adorable!
you have many people thinking about you and your fammily, i hope this offers some comfort and strength sound like an amazing woman. i work in a school that is exclusive to students with high needs both physical and behavioural. while many thank us for the work we do my heart is always with the parent who is responsible 24/7. i find great joy in my profession ans i understand the love a parent has for their child.
I hope that things are looking better for you and your family every day. Wishing you strength and calmness of spirit to deal with everything that comes along.
Hallo Claudia,
Deine Werke habe ich früher schon bei den Elfen bewundern können.
Ich bin gern auf Deiner Seite, da ich aber seit kurzem einen eigenen Blog habe, werde ich zukünftig auch mehr Kommentare schreiben.
Dein Candy habe ich bei mir verlinkt.
Liebe Grüße aus Germany
Hi Claudia,
thanks for the chance at all your goodies have a great day
hugs Nikki
I am really new at this Magnolia stamps and would love to win to try to get into all the pretty cards I have seen as well as practice blending with copic markers. I am now a follower, thanks for a chance to win. Carol M in TX /
I love checking out your blog. You are so creative.
Claudia, ich hoffe auch, dass es deiner Familie und dir bald besser geht. Ich hab leider mit meinem schlechten Englisch nicht alles verstanden. :(
Das ist wirklich ein tolles Candy, dass du verlost. Dabei gibst du uns mit deinem Blog schon so viel.
Liebe Grüße,
Hi Claudia,
Awesome candy!!!!
Thanks for the Big chance to win.
And keep in mind: Everything that happens is for our own good. God is good.
Hi Claudia! Sorry to read about your husband and kids. i hope they're all doin fine after the accident.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this candy! Amazing!!
Have a great day!
Hugs Veronica
I hope your husband and kids will be well soon.
Thank you for the chance to win this great candy.
I linked it in my sidebar .
Hi Claudia
I'm leaving another comment. Thanks for giving us a chance to win this great blog candy.
Have a nice week!
Hey Claudia
Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy. I really hope life gets back to some form of norm for you soon. Sending warming {{hugs}} to you.
Hallo Claudia,
you have a really fantastic candy. Thanks for the chance to win, I must try my luck.
Hugs Andrea
Sorry to hear about all your troubles. hope that all will be ok very soon!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
I love visiting your blog!
Woot! Claudia i love the frosty card! too awesome!
hopd kiddos are doing better =)
I'm leaving another comment for this fun blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win some neat items.
So excited to see when you choose a name.Hugz
Oh Claudia.
Know God is always with you.
You are Blessed.
I think we are all Blessed.
If we stop to consider the good.
I hope your life gets easier 4 U and your family heals.
great give-away. Cards Awesome!
Loved your snowman cards. Hope that life is getting back to normal for you. It's tough esp. when everything happens at once. Hard enough to deal with things that come at you one at a time.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. You are so generous to be giving this great candy.
Hi Claudia
Here's my third chance. I really love the card you've made today. Have a nice week.
Hi Claire,
goodmorning this morning...I'm trying to win again...loved your card!!!
xxx Margreet
Love the two a Tilda and one a Hilda. You do such a beautiful job coloring. Thanks for oofering such wonderful blog candy.
Sharon L
love the snowpeople cards favs because they are not just for christmas and they have such expression
Your blog news appears in my email inbox each time you update it; what nice surprises I find each time your blog is read. Since I have a sister with special needs, my heart goes out to you. I know you wouldn't have it any other way especially since he is your little boy. Thank you for all of your inspiration, encouragement, and most of all sharing time with other bloggers.
woot claudia love the devil !! I need that lil girl!!! It so suits my daughters moods at times lol
How are the kiddos?
I always love blog candy. Especially yours!
greetings from Holland,
Just stopped in to see what you're up to today ~ LOVE the little devil as a Valentine!
Just stopped by to have a peek at your lovely cards. I've been looking back at older ones too. You are so talented.
Claudia- with my system crashing I have lost all my sitees and the rhythm to my days.... but I am here!
Hi Claudia, More great cards. I just love looking at your work.
thanks a lot for the chance to win ,and i ve linked your candy on my sidebar
hugsss from peru
Hi Claudia,
Hope things get back to normal soon. Trust that you will feeling much better, and that your husband and boys will also well.
What a cool blog candy. Thank you for the opportunity and for including those of us that do not have a blog.
Hi Claudia, there's a problem with Mr Linky. :-/
Very very cute cards! Not sure what the Mr Linky was supposed to do but was hoping to get my name entered for the blog candy! I don't think it worked...
You have amazing talent! I'll be putting your blog in my favorites!
hi claudia
i am sorry for the accident..hope everything back to normal...
i have link your blog in my blog...for a chance to win your
you really have an eye for just how to add enough to a card and balance the weight of the colours ...each card reflects an artisitic eye... beautiful!
Hi, I have just hopped around adn found your beautiful blog,WOW, what a total inspiration you are, I am very much looking forwards to visiting you again and again, your work is awesome.
Warmest wishes
Hi Claudia, absolutely love your cards! Stunning! Thanks for the chance to win yummy candy.
Claudia I always love having you posts in my inbox each morning. Your work is stunning and I love stopping by! You are so inspiring!
Ahh Claudia, Like everyone else here I look forward to getting your blog updates in my inbox everyday!!! It's like having a subscription to the most wonderful card making magazine but better!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your troubling times... I really hope things get better for you and that your gang of awe inspired followers (us) can bring at bit of sunshine into your day. How strange it must be for you to have people all around the world thinking about you :)
Thank you for being such an amazing source of inspiration :)
Hallo Claudia, your candy is very nice and your blog is very inspiring! Hope you all are well soon. thanks!
Claudia, I am so sorry to hear about your family's car accident and about you not feeling well. Hang in there girl.
You always put so much into your blog. Thank you for sharing your talent. I put your blog candy on my blog at
Thanks for offering it. Your followers appreciate you too!
I am hoping you and your family are doing better,
Pam L.
Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy!
Thanks for the chance to win! I entered but I don't have a blog yet. I'm not sure if I used the right URL to enter.
Donna Walker
Claudia, I hope you get well soon.
Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous candy. I've put your link in my sidebar .
hugs, Natasa
From the briefness about your blog that I have read so far it sounds like your life is like mine. Sometimes it seems that not only does it rain with unfortunate things it pours and throw a few hammers and nails in with that so you have a few more things to deal with! Hopefully things will look p for you soon!
I have posted on my blog! You can visit me at
Denise Wells
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