Hier auf dem Foto sehen Sie Copic Sketch Marker in den Farben E00 SkinWhite, E000 Pale Fruit Pink, 0 und R20 Blush (E01Flamingo Pink - ich benutze diese Farbe wenn ich 2 Figuren im Hauptmotiv habe. Z.b. Edwin in E01 und Tilda E00 das ergibt einen natuerlichen Kontrast)
R20 ist eine sehr schoene Farbe die man nicht nur fuer die Wangen benutzen kann - in meiner
heutigen Karte habe ich den Pullover damit ausgemalt.
On this picture you can see Copic Sketch Markers in E00 SkinWhite, E000 Pale Fruit Pink, 0 und R20 Blush and also E01 Flamingo Pink. I do use Flamingo Pink usually if i have 2 people in my image to make them look different not only with clothes also with skin tones R20 is a very pretty color and can not only be used to give people rosy cheecks. On my card i used this color on Tildas sweater.

In order to be able to color with Copic Markers you will need a certain inkpad for that. I do reccomend Memento Ink. If you have missed this posting - you might want to read this for some basic information. You can NOT use STAZON to stamp your image.
Grundsaetzlich ist noch zu wissen das sich die Copic farben veraendern je nachdem wie oft man mit dem gleichen Marker ueber eine Stelle Farbe auftraegt. Sprich.. ich kann bestimmte Stellen dunkler machen mit dem gleichen Stift. Ich fange mit dem Gesicht mit Marker E00 an. Hier trage ich die erste Farbauftragung vom Haaransatz nach unten auf und male das Gesicht grossflaechig aus. In diesem Schritt lege ich noch keinen Wert darauf ob alles gleichmaessig ausgemalt ist. Ich versuche zu vermeiden, zu oft ueber eine gleiche Stelle mit der Pinselspitze zu malen.
Okay lets get started. I take my E00 marker and start to color in from the hairline down. I do not pay too much attention at this point how evenly the color is in the area however you don't want to color too often over a certain area because you will darken your image on those spots. Keep this in mind because you can use EVERY marker also on purpose for this matter. If you just start with Copics you don't need all the darker colors - i did not start like that. Simply add several layers of one color over each other and you can also archive shadows.

Next i will color the rest of the body parts in. As you can tell - the face's skin color is unevenly. You can also clearly see a darker area on the top of the left arm along to the thumb. This is a spot where i added 2 layers of E00.

Next you want to add add shadows to the places they would naturally be - like at the bottom part of the arms. I use for that R20 and draw with almost no pressure to the marker a thin line along the bottom of the girls arm.
Nun zum Gesichtchen der suessen Tilda. Ich nehme R20 und tupfe vorsichtig die Farbe an die Stellen die ich rosig haben will. Normalerweise sind meine Tuepfchen enger zusammen - ich habe es nur etwas uebertrieben weit auseinander fuer das Tutorial aufgemalt. Wenn ich an diesem Punkt mit meiner coloration bin, arbeite ich recht zuegig. Ich moechte vermeiden, dass die R20 Farbe zu schnell trocknet.
In den naechsten Schritten zeige ich wie man die Copic Farben blenden kann. Ich nehme wieder meinen Copic E00 Stift und verreibe nun die R20 Farbe (markiert mit "c") mit der Pinselspitze bis ca. zur Mitte des Armes (line B). Auf diesem Bild habe ich mit meinem Fotoeditingprogramm kleine Punkte als Anhaltsmarkierung eingezeichnet. Ich belasse die obere Haelfte des Armes mit nure einer Schicht E00 Farbauftragung. Wenn Sie sich das Foto in vergroessert ansehen, koennen sie erkennen, dass der Teil des Armes bezeichnet mit "B" einen graeulichen Unterton hat. Sie werden das vermutlich schon aus eigen Versuchen festgestellt haben - bitte nicht extra mit Farbe drueber gehen und versuchen das "grau" zu uebermalen. Der graue Unterton verschwindet sobald sich der Alkohol vom Papier verdunstet hat. Sie koennen nun mit ihrem Blender Pen 0 noch einige Stellen hier und da etwas auflichten wenn Sie moechten. Ich habe dies seitlich am Arm gemacht - die Stelle ist mit "a" markiert.
To blend this colored line I use E00 and "rub" R20 (part C) color with the tip of my marker but only until about the middle of the arm (part b). The top part of the arm i leave with just one layer of ink untouched. You are going to see some greyish discoloration to your paper. At first you might be tempted to add more ink to it - but just let it sit for a minute and the alkohol will vaprotise and you can see your wonderfully blended result. You can always use E000 to blend some more. If you like you can now add some more light to the top part of the arm by using your blender pen. I have don that on the side to the arm marked with the letter "a". If you feel like your arm is still a little blotchy you can "streak" with your blender pen once fast over those areas. Be careful and don't rub - just lift the color out.

Now to Tildas cute little face. I pick up R20 again and carefully dot some color to the cheeks. Usually i have them sit closer togehter but i was not sure if it would show otherwise on my picture thats why they are far apart. Once on that point of my coloring i work farily fast - i like to avoid that the color R 20 dries too fast. I dont really know if it would make a big difference :-) it is just the way i do it.
Ich nehme wieder meinen E00 Stift zur Hand und verreibe mit der Pinselspitze in kreisenden Bewegungen die R20 Farbe hoch zu den Wangenknochen und zur Mitte des Gesichts. Sie koennen hier ruhig "etwas" Druck auf die Pinselspitze geben. Bitte denken Sie daran - je oefter sie darueber reiben - desto mehr E00 Farbe tragen Sie auf und verdunkeln die Flaeche.

I pick up E00 and rub with the brush in circular motions the R20 color up to the cheeckbones and towards the middle of the face. You really can use a little pressure by doing that. Dont be scared :-) Please keep in min tho.. you are using color and the more you go over an area the darker it will get.
Ich habe hier mit einem Bleistift die Stellen markiert die ueblicherweise nach dem Prozess in grau erscheinen. Diese verschwinden aber nach einer Weile. Lieber 5 minuten warten und dann nochmals mit E000 Unebenheiten ausgleichen.

Alle Unebenheiten gleiche ich nun mit E000 aus. Ich gehe wirklich grosszuegig ueber das ganze Gesicht und trage die Farbe auf und "verreibe" mit der Pinselspitze die Uebergaenge an den Wangen.
The basic skin tone is still very uneven. I use now E000 to smoothen the skin and make it look even and smooth. I work generously with this color all over the face only in one direction and maybe again on the arms to even out the colors.

On this picture i want to show you the areas that usually when i color the cheeks appear in some sort of grey tone. Those will fade after a while. Wait a few minutes and if you are not happy with the result - do "rub/belend" with E000 again over the area that needs to be fixed.
Schatten entlang des Haaransatzes lege ich mit einer 2. Schicht Eoo auf. Mir persoenlich gefaellt es nicht mit einer 4 dunkleren Farbe im Gesicht zu malen. Es wirkt meiner Meinung nach unnatuerlich. (Geld gespart fuer eine andere Farbe, weil man wirklich nur 3 Stifte benoetigt)
Letzter Schritt... Mit der Spitze des Blender pen schnell und zuegig zwischen Baeckchen und Stirn streichen und so etwas Farbe ausheben um Lichtpunkte zu setzen. Ich fahre aber wirklich nur 1x schnell ueber die bestimmten Stellen.
Voila, das ist es schon fuer's die Hautfarbe. Danke fuer's lesen und nun viel Spass beim ausprobieren.

If you like to lay shadow along the hairline you can do this with almost no pressure to the brush of your E00 color. I personally do not like to do that with a darker color! But this is my personal preference. I rather use the same color and just draw over the area a couple of times, i think it looks the most natural. This also saves you on purchasing an additonal marker.

Last step to finish up your skin is to use the tip of your Blender pen with no pressure and use it on the indicated area. This will carefully lift some color out and give your face light and dimension. I know it is is tempting, but i really only do this step once :-)

There are many ways to color in images - this is just the way i do it - i hope i could eventually help the ones who are beginning with Copics and the ones who are experienced maybe to give an option to try out.
Thank you so much and i hope you will stay with me for my other Copic postings :-)
NOTE: Iam not a certified Copic Instructor!
Hey Claudia!! Great job on your tutorial!! You explained it so nicely and so easy to understand!! Your coloring of your images are always beautiful and perfect!!
Wonderful tutorial Claudia!! Can't wait for the others!!
Hugs, K
Another fantastic tutorial Claudia, please keep them coming x
Great tutorial Claudia ,now I just need to purchase some copics,lol .
Great tutorial! Ive never done it before. I dont even own any copics. Some day I will. Thank you so much for sharing.
Liebe Claudia,
ganz lieben Dank für Dein tolles Tutorial, es ist super verständlich.*Knuddels*
This was very informative for me.
Thank you for this wonderful tutorial. I have had copics for some time but don't really know how to use them properly.
Gill x
Great tutorial Claudia, it's always interesting to see how others color with the same medium. Just think, we started this a year ago! :) ~Hugs
Thanks for the tutorial Claudia. :)
Another fabulous tutorial...what a lot of work...thanks, again, for sharing your techniques and favourite colours...your copic colouring is always awesome :-)
Looking forward to your next tutorial!
Carole xxx
Vielen vielen Dank Claudia und auch noch in Deutsch! So ist es perfekt für mich.
Fühl dich ganz fest gedrückt von mir!
LG Andrea
Wonderful tutorial! Thank you for taking the time to post this not only in English but also in German. It gives me a chance to see how much German I remember from school (25 years ago).
Thanks for the tutorial! It's a wonderful help.
Wow great Job, i will try some techniques you do... You are wonderful
I only own a few skin colour copics,but don't have the correct inkpad.Great tutorial and easy to understand.Thanks for sharing.
Claudia, thanks for the tutorial. I just bought a bunch of the Copics as a Xmas gift to myself but have been too chicken to color with them yet! They just sit so pretty in their boxes not being used! Your tutorial has given me the courage to try coloring with them this weekend! Thank you for the motivation and instructions1
Oh Claudia, that was FAB!
Very clearly explained and I can't wait to give it a try now as I done it very different, so the tips are very appreciated :)
Can't wait for the next one!!!
hugs, Marlene x
Thank you for providing this tutorial for Copics! I have just found your site, and LOVE it!
Your tutorial is explained so well Claudia, I tried copics but may go back to them later. Thanks for this!
Wow thank you I am going off to have a go now
Thank you xx
Claudia this is a great tutorial! I believe it is going to help me alot even though I don't have copics. It will work with any coloring.TFS
Thank You so much for putting this on your blog, I didn't note the date. I've been in the hospital (thank God for laptops and wireless!!) I'm still in & so far behind on my blogging. I have always wanted to try the copics, I may just start out with some of the skin tones and and a few primarys for clothing. Thanks, that was awesome to see how you take the blank canvas and give 'er life. :-)
Claudia thanks for this wonderful tutorial! I will have to give your technique a shot on my next one! you're awesome to take the time to share your knowledge with the rest of us.
Claudia, thank you so much for this and the list of copics and CS you recommend. I don't have any copics but I have still found this useful and interesting.
Thank you Thank You soooooooooooo Much for all the work You did on theis Tutorial ..You probally helped a million people , me being one of them ..Cant wait for more
diana Molinaro
Fabulous tutorial Claudia...wonderful pics and easy to understand!!....will be watching for the next one!!...Thanks so much for sharing!!..Hugs, Ila
Hi Claudia, thank you for the brilliant tutorial. Kirsten.
Thank you so much for this great tutorial!!! Your coloring is beautiful!!!
This is so adorable you did an awesome job!
Thank you so much for taking the time to do the tutorial! Very helpful!!
Thanks for taking the time to make this tutorial. I was clear and informative and wonderful. Thanks for being the type of person who shares their knowledge.
Thank you for taking your time to produce this tutorial! It is priceless!
thanks for taking the time to make this tutorial..it is extremely helpful. I had to print it out so that I can now attempt to do them much better...thanks for sharing your talents with so many!
Hallo Claudia...
Deine Anleitung ist super! Ich warte schon gespannt auf die noch folgenden...Du machst wunderschöne Karten!
Hallo Claudia,
herzlichen Dank für die tolle Erklärung und das in Deutsch!!!!
Alles liebe aus der Schweiz
Hi Claudia,
Thx for the tutorial. Your the best!
Hey Claudia...Thank you so much for taking the time to show your tips to people like me. I just sat down in front of my computer with my image, my markers any your informational tips. It was great fun and my Magnolia came out very well,TY, TY, TY, TY and then ty Again :-)
Fantastic tutorial Claudia, thank you.
Joanne x
What great directions, i have just started with copics and your info is wonderful, love how you go step by step.
Hallo Claudia, aufgrund Deines Tutorials habe ich mir auch copic Stifte besorgt. Will das jetzt auch mal ausprobieren. Einfach eine tolle Erklärung.
Liebe Grüße
Thank you so much for this. You ahve explaned this so well, that even I can follow,esp with the pencil mark showing which way to do it.
Thanks for your great tutorial! Really help me a lot !
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What a great tutorial. Very useful. Thanks....
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