Friday, February 22, 2008

My Blog update

Hello ladies,
i wanted to tell you that i have changed some settings on my blog. If you will leave a comment i will have to approve your message before you can actually see it. There are some nasty people out there who bothered some of my blogging friends with spy ware and other very bad links.

I also got some emails from my subscibers telling me that they do not receive my newsletter. Thank you for telling me. I was not aware that Feedblitz does not deliver the newsletter. My husband worked last night several hours to fix the problem but last night some database was down on Feedblitz and we will try again tonight. I am sad about this cause it makes me happy to see how many people are actually interested in receiving my newsletter and now i got the message that it never worked.


craftyb said...

Hi C, I didn't realise you offered a newsletter - could I ask to receive a copy please? bx

Aline said...

I didn't know you had a newsletter. I would like to have a copy too.

Regina said...

Claudia, ich habe so eben eine Nachricht von deinem Blog über feedblitz erhalten.
Ein dickes Dankeschön an deinen Mann, dass er sich so viel Mühe gemacht hat!!